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MWR launches pro version of successful open source tool

Johannesburg, 10 Sep 2013

MWR InfoSecurity has released drozer pro, allowing organisations to test the security of the Android devices within their IT networks in a structured manner over an extended period of time.

"We wanted to build a tool that allows organisations to test their Android apps and devices in a more structured and user-friendly manner," said Daniel Bradberry, Head of Security Tools Development at MWR InfoSecurity.

He added: "From our extensive experience, organisations are still finding it a challenge to develop secure Android apps, and this is something that could potentially compromise the security of an entire company's IT network. We created drozer pro to make security assessment of Android apps more approachable for in-house developers and security teams."

The release is based on the success of drozer, the Android security testing tool that allows for dynamic analysis of applications running on Android devices. The tool is designed to remember everything it has seen during an assessment, helping users to visualise and manage the large amount of information gathered and simplifying the interaction with the device.

Tyrone Erasmus, Senior Security Consultant at the firm, said: "Most importantly, the tool allows development and security teams to simply 'point and click' as they won't need to memorise commands, take screenshots, annotate and save their findings."

He added: "The development of drozer pro has been driven by substantial feedback from developers and the IT community. We will continue to support them in future to provide easier ways to conduct Android security analysis."

Similar to drozer, the pro version provides support to any Android device running Android 2.1 and all later versions, covering 99% of the devices in the market.

Daniel Bradberry and Tyrone Erasmus will be tweeting from @mwrdrozer.

Note to editors

drozer pro is a paid-for tool which allows ongoing security testing on Android devices over an extended period. It can be purchased from the MWR InfoSecurity Web site:


MWR InfoSecurity

MWR InfoSecurity is one of the world's leading information security consultancies - MWR specialises in identifying, managing and mitigating Information Security risks.

The company undertakes simulated cyber attacks with organisations across different industries to help them understand the security threats they are facing.

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