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MultiChoice ventures into academic cyber space

Samuel Mungadze
By Samuel Mungadze, Africa editor
Johannesburg, 19 May 2020

Pay-TV operator MultiChoice has become the latest company to offer online learning services, as SA experiences an upsurge in enrolments on online education platforms.

Due to the COVID-19-induced lockdown, students are finding themselves forced to use technology to learn and more companies are venturing into academic cyber space, offering learning solutions.

With lockdown periods continuing in various parts of the globe, education experts believe the pandemic may lead to advances in technology that will allow more school pupils and tertiary students to rely entirely on virtual learning in future, transforming the education sector.

The World Economic Forum says there has been a significant surge in e-learning since COVID-19, and it expects the overall market for online education to reach $350 billion by 2025, as the virus has pushed up demand.

MultiChoice SA has now joined other entities in offering online learning to DSTV customers, through its platform, Udemy.

Recently, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) also entered the e-learning space, unveiling its learning-as-a-service platform, which focuses on growing storage, server, data analysis and network management skills.

HPE said COVID-19 has increased the pressure on technology companies and these skills are required to operate customer businesses in the cloud.

Universities across the country also joined the rush to online initiatives, enabling virtual classrooms and interactive tutoring led by a subject matter expert.

MultiChoice’s Udemy is aimed at professional adults and students, and DSTV customers will have access to 600 free courses offered on the platform until the end of July.

“The free online courses available through the DSTV app provide customers with the opportunity to transform their business, learn a new language, or discover a new passion,” says the pay-TV company.

In addition, all active DSTV Premium customers will receive a R90 voucher via e-mail to use on any of Udemy’s paid-for courses valid for a month. This, MultiChoice says, translates into an almost 40% discount on the cost of most courses.

Users can access Udemy by downloading the DSTV App, sign in with their DSTV customer number and click on the Udemy offer.

MultiChoice SA CEO Mark Rayner says: “As the nationwide lockdown continues, MultiChoice continues to provide an uninterrupted video entertainment subscription service with the best available content. We’re always looking for new and creative ways to add value for our customers – most recently during the current COVID-19 period.”
