Mobile operator MTN SA and Huawei have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for strategic co-operation on Net5.5G.
The signing took place at the Internet Protocol (IP) Day Summit co-hosted by MTN SA and Huawei. The event was held under the theme of “Net5.5G Network Development”.
Also referred to as 5G advanced, 5.5G has been tipped as the next technology step in the ICT industry.
According to a statement, the companies will jointly promote the large-scale application of key capabilities of Net5.5G, such as 400GE, SRv6, slicing and the Network Digital Map.
Zoltan Miklos, GM of access planning and architecture at MTN SA, says the application of SRv6 and Network Digital Map has helped MTN build an IP transport network with optimal experience.
Additionally, Miklos notes that in the cloud and 5G era, MTN still faces a range of challenges in terms of service and network operations, security, reliability and other areas.
Xu Huan, vice-president of metro router domain of Huawei’s Data Communication Product Line, comments that Huawei will work with MTN to accelerate the commercial use of the next-generation IP transport network under the guidance of the Net5.5G target network.
In terms of the MOU, MTN and Huawei will continue to define the Net5.5G target network and support the development of MTN's mobile, enterprise and home broadband services.
The co-operation also aims to accelerate the implementation of new technologies and applications, and drive the sustainable development of regional carriers, says the statement.