
Mobile payments simplified with wiCode

By Rayhaan Joseph
Johannesburg, 24 Jan 2013

Paying for goods at till points could soon be done exclusively via cellphones, thanks to wiCode.

wiCode is a technology platform that acts both as an aggregator and as an interoperable layer between retailers and mobile payment solutions.

The platform, a product of wiGroup, has been employed by Shoprite and Checkers, enabling the group to employ its EeziCoupons app, as well as by Pick n Pay and MTN for their Mobile Money system.

wiCode enables mobile in-store payments, mobile money transfer, the use of mobile coupons and vouchers, and mobile loyalty.

Retailers need only integrate with one platform, and once implementation has been completed, the wiCode platform will pair any offering triggered from any mobile device to their systems.

According to Bevan Ducasse, CEO of wiGroup, the response from retailers to the implementation of the platform has been "incredibly positive".

"The retailers were generally struggling to find an answer as to which mobile opportunity to enable, as there were so many players entering the market.

"The wiCode platform gave them the option to integrate once and train their cashiers once, and therefore be enable to accept any of the mobile opportunities they were exploring."

Ducasse says the clothing sector is the next industry the software company is targeting.

"A few large clothing retailers have expressed interest; however, it's all about aligning projects with the timing of the opportunities in the market.

"We're pretty sure that, by the end of 2013, wiCode will have expanded into the clothing sector."

Ducasse predicts exponential growth for the wiCode platform in 2013, and said wiGroup "is targeting over 400% growth in transaction volume when comparing the last month of 2012 to the last month of 2013".
