Consumers should expect more delays before mobile number portability is introduced, says VoxTelecom`s Jaco Voigt. Voigt says December is now a realistic launch date.
"The major players are going to delay as long as they possibly can," says Voigt. "The moment customers can move between networks or service providers without changing their numbers there will be real competition in the market for the first time, and the networks are fighting hard to avoid any reduction in their margins."
Voigt says the major networks are manoeuvring hard behind the scenes to lock in their customers. "One of the networks has just changed the term of least-costing routing contracts from two years to three, and the service providers are being offered incentives not to churn numbers. They`re doing everything they can to make sure the status quo remains."
"It won`t work in the long run, though," he adds. "Cell C`s already introduced a 12-month contract, and other consumer benefits will follow as soon as the market opens up. Whoever can provide the best, most consistent service - instead of forgetting about the customer as soon as the ink is dry on the contract - is going to reap huge benefits."
Many consumers don`t yet understand what number portability means and how significant it will be, says Voigt, "and the networks are definitely not going to rush to tell them. We`re going to make a big effort in the next few months to educate and inform people about what it means to them. In the end, we`ll get better service and lower costs if educated consumers demand it."
Voigt`s comments come in the wake of stinging criticism earlier this month from Virgin Mobile`s Richard Branson, who described the request for a delay in the implementation date as "an absolute disgrace and completely unacceptable".