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Minister invites nominations for innovation council

Staff Writer
By Staff Writer, ITWeb
Johannesburg, 30 Oct 2023
Candidates invited to serve on government innovation agency NACI’s council.
Candidates invited to serve on government innovation agency NACI’s council.

Higher education, science and innovation minister Dr Blade Nzimande has invited interested parties to nominate candidates to fill vacancies on the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI).

According to a statement, the new members will be appointed in their personal capacity and serve on a part-time basis for the remaining part of the current council's term of office, which runs from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2026.

They will receive payments and have their expenses covered in accordance with National Treasury guidelines, it says.

An institutional body of the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), NACI aims to advise the minister on the role and contribution of science, mathematics, innovation and technology, in an effort to drive government's innovation agenda.

As per its guidelines, the council comprises a chairperson, 16 to 20 members, the CEO of NACI, and an officer of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition nominated by the minister of trade, industry and competition.

NACI seeks candidates with strong knowledge and experience in private equity investments, venture capital, global and international partnerships, local and international economic markets, energy – including hydrogen and renewables – and climate change and sustainability.

Nominations must be submitted with curricula vitae, including the candidate’s ID number, gender, race, designation and responsibilities, contact details (postal and e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers), qualifications and field, current and past service on boards, areas of expertise, and the names and contact details of at least two referees.

Confirmation of the availability of the nominee is also required and nominations will not be considered unless all the requirements are met, says the DSI. Correspondence will be entered into with shortlisted candidates only.

All nominations must be sent to the director-general of science and innovation, for attention Mamaponesa Nepfumbada.

They may be submitted via e-mail to, or by post to the Department of Science and Innovation, Private Bag X894, Pretoria, 0001.

Alternatively, they may be delivered by hand to DSI building 53 in Brummeria, Pretoria.

Nominations must be submitted by no later than 20 November.

For further enquiries, contact Happy Molefe at 073 376 3888, or
