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MicroWorld releases MailScan 5.3 for various mail servers

By MicroWorld
Johannesburg, 15 Oct 2007

The anti-virus, anti-spam and content security solution provider, MicroWorld Technologies, has just released MailScan 5.3, the comprehensive security software for mail servers.

The new versions are packed with a host of proactive technologies and advanced algorithms in various aspects of e-mail security. They are compatible with Windows Vista and Windows 64-bit platforms. Web registration of the product is enabled in all of them.

In MailScan for SMTP and Exchange Server 2007, MicroWorld introduces SMTP Transparent Proxy. This will enable a Transport Layer Security-based communication between Hub Transport Server and Edge Transport Server. TLS is capable of authenticating both the client and the server in order to create an encrypted connection between the two.

Graylisting is a powerful spam control tool that the new versions of MailScan for SMTP and Exchange Server incorporate in them. It is a method of blocking spam by temporarily rejecting mails coming from unknown senders. If the mail is legitimate, the originating server in most cases will re-attempt to send it, which will then be accepted. However it`s observed that most spamming servers do not try to send the mail over in case of a first-time rejection.

The software now provides POP3 authentication for accessing quarantined mails. Considering the fact that not all enterprises will have LDAP configured, this can provide them a means to authenticate valid users and restrict unauthorised access to quarantined mails.

NILP is another powerful tool used by MailScan in spam and phishing control. It is a revolutionary technology from MicroWorld that works on the principles of artificial intelligence, which employs an adaptive mechanism in spam and phishing control. This technology can analyse each e-mail according to the nature of the business of an enterprise, as well as the behavioural patterns of the user, and can make an informed decision thereafter.

Speaking on the occasion of the launch, Govind Rammurthy, CEO of MicroWorld, explained how the product counters the deluge of unwanted mails. He said: "We use a multilayered mechanism in spam control. Several technologies like real-time blacklist, SURBL, general header tests, MX/A DNS record verification, x-spam rules check, non-intrusive learning patterns and gray listing are used in the process, so that we deliver the best accuracy in filtering mails."

On the anti-virus technology used in MailScan, Govind said: "All sorts of malicious programs like virus, worm, Trojan, backdoor, rootkit, bot, and phishing Trojans are caught right at the mail gateway. Besides our earliest updating anti-virus system that provides immediate vaccines against new and emerging threats, we also use an advanced intention analysis of incoming objects to stop previously unknown threats."



MicroWorld Technologies is the developer of highly advanced anti-virus, content security and firewall software solutions eScan, MailScan, and eConceal. MicroWorld Winsock Layer (MWL) is the revolutionary technology that powers most of MicroWorld products, enabling them to achieve several certifications and awards by some of the most prestigious testing bodies, notable among them being Virus Bulletin, Checkmark, TUCOWS, Red Hat Ready and Novell Ready.

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Sujay Shinde