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  • Micro Focus is using content management, AI data analytics to help enterprises manage new work practices

Micro Focus is using content management, AI data analytics to help enterprises manage new work practices


Micro Focus held its Universe digital event in March 2022. As a very large company with multiple product lines, Micro Focus had separate keynote presentations for each technology area it plays in.

The information management and governance (IM&G) keynote was presented by Scott Richards, General Manager of the IM&G business unit. He used his presentation to talk about some of the ways in which customers have been using Micro Focus IM&G technologies to help remote workers during the difficult times caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The IM&G business unit comprises six portfolios, including 75 products with more than $400 million in revenue. Its focus is AI-powered unstructured analytics, data protection and backup, content management, unified endpoint management and collaboration solutions.

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