
Media-leaked messages investigated

By Vicky Burger, ITWeb portals content / relationship manager
Johannesburg, 12 Mar 2008

Media-leaked messages investigated

French prosecutors are investigating the media leaking of messages between Jerome Kerviel, charged over the rogue trade scandal at Societe Generale, and a second trader, an official said on Monday, reports AFP.

Excerpts of instant messaging conversations between the 31-year-old Kerviel and a trader who worked for Societe Generale subsidiary Fimat were published on the Web site Nouvel Observateur weekly.

Their publication came as the trader was brought before a judge for questioning over possible links to the 4.9 billion euro scandal.

EasyLink retains IRG

EasyLink Services International, a global provider of business-to-business messaging services, has retained the Investor Relations Group to serve as its investor relations and public relations firm, in order to achieve greater recognition in the financial and media communities, states Business Wire.

IRG, a corporate communications firm, will strive to increase EasyLink's public exposure among investors and the media-at-large through a targeted campaign.

On the investor relations front, IRG will use its proprietary database of micro-cap investors and employ competitive analysis strategies to properly introduce EasyLink to targeted members of the investment community.

Websense introduces solutions

According to CNN Money, Websense has introduced messaging security solutions, including a new hybrid hosted and on-premise e-mail security solution, which give businesses broader protection from e-mail security threats and expanded regulatory and policy compliance capabilities.

The new Websense Hybrid Email Security solution offers organisations a layered hosted and on-premise messaging security system that provides inbound threat protection "in the cloud" with minimal administration and significant bandwidth savings, as well as deep content inspection of outbound e-mails with the granular control of on-premise software.

Specifically, Websense Email Security software provides inspection of e-mail messages and attachments, ensuring outbound e-mail does not contain non-compliant content, while Websense Hosted Email Security blocks spam and viruses at the Internet level, preventing these threats from reaching the network, consuming bandwidth and storage space, and impacting business operations.
