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LucidView puts internet control into the hands of ISPs, customers

Andrew Wilson, CEO of LucidView.
Andrew Wilson, CEO of LucidView.

LucidView has launched a new package for its solution that allows ISPs, MSP, WISPs and end-users to control what websites they can access, and the amount of bandwidth allocated to each online service used.

This means safer, cleaner internet and a better user experience – all controlled using a simple app once the profiles have been created on the MikroTik Router via the LucidView Portal.

LucidView, a provider of back-end white-label services to ISPs, MSPs, WISPs and other IT professionals, has been providing network management and content filtering solutions globally for nearly 20 years. Its latest offering – an ISP Starter Pack with a user-friendly app – puts internet management directly into the hands of users.

Gaining control for ‘cleaner internet’

Andrew Wilson, CEO of LucidView, says LucidView’s new ISP Starter Pack offers service providers a strong differentiator in a market where many services compete largely on price-per-Mbps.

He says: “Unmanaged internet is a double-edged sword – it enables so much, but it can also open liabilities for business and risk for individual users. People don’t realise they can demand ‘clean internet’ and get managed internet shaped the way they want it. Until recently, ISPs have been engaged in a ‘race to the bottom’ – competing on price – but with our new solution, ISPs can add value to customers and become more competitive by offering improved internet security and control.”

Using LucidView MikroTik routers, ISPs benefit from content filtering, a saturation manager, security and a reporting and dashboard module, all easily managed using the new LucidView app.

Wilson explains that the app is white-labelled, so ISPs can add their own branding. “The app supports easy content filtering, so end-users can turn off access to inappropriate and adult content, gambling sites, movies and social media channels. The filter also comes with time-based rules, which users can configure to control how long kids play games or watch movies, for example,” he says.

Better UX with bandwidth prioritisation

LucidView also gives ISPs a saturation manager, which they can either configure as a service, or allow end-users to control.

“You can give certain applications high, medium or low priority, so if parents working from home need to make video calls, these can be prioritised, while the bandwidth allocated to video streams is forced down,” Wilson says. In a business, mission-critical applications and traffic can be optimised and non-essential connections can be throttled or completely blocked.

Bandwidth management optimises the connection where it matters, giving users a better experience.

“The reality is an ISP can make a 10Mbps line feel like a 50Mbps line purely by managing streams better,” he says.

Enhanced security

LucidView’s ISP Starter Pack improves security, Wilson says: “Only once you know what is traversing your internet lines can you begin to ensure it is protected. Our crawler analyses everything, and if it doesn't recognise something, it disconnects it. It’s based on behaviour and is a simple, very effective way of keeping hackers out.”

Improved reporting

The ISP Starter Pack gives ISPs in-depth reporting capabilities across all aspects of the connection and its internet traffic, with metrics such as bandwidth per category, domain and protocol, top domains and server accounts, and overviews by site, department or even individual profiles. These reports can be pulled on the fly or scheduled on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

“I’m not aware of a similar solution available in South Africa making it this easy for ISPs and end-users to enjoy clean, safe and fast internet access,” Wilson concludes.

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