IBM`s Lotus Development Corp. today announced at Linux World the immediate availability of Domino Workflow on the Linux platform, providing Linux users with access to the industry`s most extensible and adaptive workflow management services and tools for Web applications. Domino Workflow on Linux helps customers to rapidly build, easily modify, and incrementally improve business processes such as employee hiring and customer relationship management, by automating people, information and systems interactions. Domino Workflow for Linux offers dynamic and context sensitive user interfaces to people, documents and processes, helping to enhance productivity and reduce cycle times.
"We have seen significant growth in Linux usage over the past few years and we expect this trend to continue," said Scott Cooper, vice president of knowledge management products, Lotus Development Corp. "As an open source operating system, Linux will provide our customers and business partners with a reliable, flexible and cost-effective platform for designing workflow applications. Domino Workflow is a key enabling technology for effective knowledge and process management infrastructures and we are pleased to provide our growing Linux customer base with the tools and resources they need to help maximize their asset investments."
The growth of Linux as a legitimate enterprise platform, as well as the commitment from large, influential organizations, like IBM, make Linux a strong option for customers and a logical choice for integration with Lotus products. Lotus Domino Release (R5) support for Linux, announced September 1999, integrates advanced collaboration and messaging with Linux` typically low cost-of-deployment and reliability, enabling organizations to make system choices that meet their unique network needs.
"Now, solutions created with Lotus` Domino Workflow can reach a new group of customers who understand the stability and affordability of Linux," says Dirk Hohndel CTO of SuSE Linux.
Domino Workflow leverages the inherent benefits of the Lotus Domino platform including security, messaging and Web browser support making it an ideal solution for creating a wide range of workflow applications from flexible, collaborative applications to tightly structured customer-centric ones. An integral part of Lotus` knowledge management strategy, Domino Workflow provides organizations with the ability to streamline core business processes and reuse components of their workflow applications when developing new ones, contributing to more efficient and productive operating environments. Workflow`s rapid development processes and dynamic, instant modifications allow organizations to share important information with the right people at the right time, making it easier for them to adapt workflows to changing business needs and quickly respond to their customers` needs.
System Requirements
Domino Workflow Engine 2.1.1 (Server) was designed to operate on the following Domino platforms: SuSE Linux 7.0, Red Hat Linux 6.2, TurboLinux 6.0 and Caldera OpenLinux eServer 2.3, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Sun Solaris 2.7, IBM AIX, IBM OS/400 and IBM OS/390. Domino Workflow Architect requires Windows 95/98/2000 or NT 4.0, and Lotus Notes R4.6.1 or higher, and the Domino Designer for R5 clients. Domino Workflow client support includes Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 SP3 or later, Netscape Navigator 4.08 or later, Netscape Communicator 4.51 or later, or Lotus Notes R 4.61 or later Windows client.