Livecast partners with Wimax Forum
Livecast has joined the WiMax Forum's Applications Lab Task Group (ALTG) and its two sanctioned testing facilities located at the Maxwell Lab (University of Maryland) and M-Taiwan Applications Lab (Taiwan), says PR Web.
The partnership is focused on providing global wireless network operators and analysts with a hands-on testing environment where applications can run on WiMax technology.
Livecast was invited by the WiMax Forum to join it behind-the-scenes in order to ensure live video could be demonstrated to global operators while also helping to drive customer adoption in the future.
Ludwig Enterprises partners with NextPhase
Ludwig Enterprises is partnering with NextPhase Wireless to expand its digital radio broadcast coverage, states TMCnet.
The company will use NextPhase's broadband transmission technology to enhance its The One Radio broadcasting method, which it is marketing in a major areas around the US.
Nevada-based Ludwig Enterprises owns a variety of licences and rights to broadcast digital radio programming, using a technology that can attach 50 digital channels to one existing signal.
CEA forms mobile DTV group
The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) has formed a special interest group to support the Advanced Television Systems Committee's (ATSC's) effort to create a new mobile digital television standard that will allow stations to broadcast to cellphones and other mobile and portable devices, says B&C.
The group hopes to speed the development of the ATSC Mobile/Handheld (M/H) standard by fostering industry dialogue, educational programmes and unified messaging and by promoting technical standards and best practices documents.
“CEA is organising this special interest group for ATSC M/H to assist the consumer electronics community in understanding the technology and market dynamics,” said Brian Markwalter, CEA vice-president of technology and standards.