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LiquidPlanner adds analytics to project management

Alex Kayle
By Alex Kayle, Senior portals journalist
Johannesburg, 29 May 2012

LiquidPlanner adds analytics to project management

Software company LiquidPlanner has unveiled a project management solution called LiquidPlanner Analytics to help managers make crucial business decisions, Market Wire reports.

LiquidPlanner CEO and co-founder Charles Seybold says: "In today's complex project environment, managers need much deeper visibility into their projects and resources in order to meet deadlines and stay within budget."

The project management application is delivered as a service and includes analytics capabilities, IT Business Edge states.

According to LiquidPlanner COO Liz Pearce, integrated analytics will allow users to engage in probabilistic scheduling, which means that if a change is made to any given task, they can immediately see what impact it will have on the overall project.

LiquidPlanner brings sophisticated project management analysis to organisations of all sizes, Market Watch says.

The technology's scheduling and analytics engine synthesises all project data pertaining to team members, clients, tasks, timelines and more, producing insights previously only available to enterprises with full-time analysts on staff.

This approach is said to differ from other solutions, which deliver static, generic reports that are often difficult to customise and navigate.
