Lerumo is in the process of designing a cargo tracking solution for the Revenue Authority in Tanzania. The project aims to deliver a system that can track cargo, and vehicles transporting fuel and cargo, to ensure goods are not lost before reaching their destination.
It also aims to minimise tax evasion by increasing controls associated with the handling of cargo, as well as enforcing controls to curb corruption and minimise opportunities for mistakes.
Lerumo focuses not only on the hardware and software required, but also the supporting structures, processes and procedures that are needed to ensure the system can be sustained and measured, to ensure continuous improvement and benefits.
The fuel and cargo tracking system (FACTS) project will include installation and monitoring of devices on incoming freight ships, transport vehicles, containers and bulk, as well as retail fuel tanks. These devices will forward tracking and status data to a command centre.
The command centre will then automatically capture all information in a central database which will provide TRA with information on manifest reference numbers, container numbers, position, volume, destination, duty payment, bond status, transportation and routing. This information will be integrated into an event-planning and management system to graphically present any anomalies.
This information will give TRA personnel the control they need to be able to manage fuel and cargo effectively, and will enable the TRA to achieve the required project outcomes.
During the pilot phase, testing will be performed on various combinations of monitoring devices, communication methods and structuring data to get the best solution for the TRA, and the environment which it operates in.
The "thin slice" pilot operation addresses the following:
* It compiles TRA "as-is" business policies, process and procedures applicable to the FACTS system, as well as optimises the current TRA architecture design in terms of the FACTS technology integration.
* The results of the "as-is" analysis will be compared to international cargo tracking and control best practice. The architecture and processes will then be optimised with consideration given to the effectiveness of the FACTS system. It will also establish the technological approach with consideration to the economic benefits to be derived from the project.
* Design the optimal FACTS business architecture, develop the preliminary ICT and HR architecture in support of the "thin slice" Pilot project and establish a pilot command-centre.
The thin slice will also verify the level of operational control required to run the pilot project effectively, and develop a training plan during the operation of the pilot implementation, to ensure personnel are capable of supporting the technology as well as operations. Thin slice results will be used to ultimately develop a final pilot system specification with implementation recommendations.