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Kaspersky Lab announces patents for cutting-edge technologies

By Kaspersky Lab
Johannesburg, 03 Sep 2008

Kaspersky Lab, a leading developer of secure content management solutions, announces the successful patenting of its cutting-edge IT security technologies in the US and Russia.

Patent number 7 392 544, granted by the US Patent and Trademark Office on 24 June 2008, relates to a method of anti-virus scanning with variable scan settings developed by Mikhail Pavlyushchik. This method makes it possible to dynamically vary the scanning level and set of tools used for file scanning while maintaining rapid performance of the anti-virus solution. Variation depends on when and how the files appeared on the computer.

This technology makes it possible to extend the time taken to scan new files and files received via high-risk sources (P2P networks, e-mail attachments, etc). In addition, this method ensures an optimal balance of convenience, protection and in-depth analysis, which could not be implemented in previous anti-virus solutions due to strict limits on the time taken to scan files. The longer scanning period means the range of tools used to scan new files can be extended, resulting not only in improved protection, but also the ability to block malware epidemics at the outset, without the need to update anti-virus databases.

The patent was registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office in record time - six months after the application was filed.

The second patent - number 741 87 10 - granted by the US Patent and Trademark Office relates to a method used to implement an object-based component infrastructure developed by senior company personnel Eugene Kaspersky, Andrey Doukhvalov and Andrey Kryukov. The infrastructure is designed to facilitate the development of programmable applications and systems that process hierarchy objects. This unique technology is widely used in the development of the company's products.

A third patent granted to Kaspersky Lab in Russia on 29 May 2008 describes the system of detection and treatment of rootkits developed by Andrey Sobko, one of the company's leading developers.

This patent relates to a method for detecting a rootkit on a computer system: the method uses the principle of creating snapshots of selected operating system and registry files before and after the loading of non-boot drivers, and the subsequent comparison of these snapshots. This technology, developed by Kaspersky Lab personnel, is a significant step forward in combating the threat posed by rootkits.

Kaspersky Lab currently has more than 20 patent applications pending in the US and Russia. These relate to a range of technologies developed by company personnel. Additionally, many of today's anti-virus technologies were developed by Kaspersky Lab and are currently used under licence by over 100 anti-virus vendors worldwide, including Microsoft (USA), Blue Coat (USA), Juniper Networks (USA), ZyXEL (Taiwan), Nokia ICG (USA), F-Secure (Finland), Aladdin (Israel), and BorderWare (Canada). Kaspersky Lab products and technologies are used by over 250 million people worldwide.


Editorial contacts

Rosemary Viljoen
PURE Communication
(082) 861 9232