Kaspersky Lab and Comztek have bolstered their partnership agreement, with Comztek being chosen as the official distributor of all Kaspersky Lab products in Namibia as of 1 August.
Earlier this year, Comztek was selected to distribute Kaspersky Lab products to its 2 000-plus African reseller base.
Says Vasily Dyagilev, MD for emerging markets at Kaspersky Lab: “The African continent has enormous growth potential and we believe that this agreement marks a turning point for Kaspersky in Namibia, as Comztek aims to leverage their existing partnerships to aid Kaspersky Lab in strengthening our market position in Africa.”
Kaspersky Lab believes that as more broadband is made available throughout the African continent through the likes of cables such as WACS, more and more people and businesses accessing the Internet will become susceptible to cyber crime.
“Globally, Kaspersky Lab identifies an average of approximately 70 000 new malicious threats every day - these threats target both consumers and businesses,” Dyagilev notes.
“Considering the fact that the African continent is becoming more connected to the Internet, we believe that it is critical to place a focus on IT security in this region.”
Davel Botha, regional manager at Comztek, says: “As a leading African communications distributor, we understand the broader African continent and hold an expertise within the Namibian region, having been in operation in the region for eight years.
“Bringing expert IT security solutions to this region is meeting a critical need and will certainly aid in ensuring that cyber criminal activity is minimalistic as far as possible.”
Through this partnership agreement, Comztek resellers and partners in Namibia will deliver the full suite of Kaspersky Lab business solutions to the market. These products include Kaspersky Open Space Security, Kaspersky Lab's specialised security for virtualised environments, and Kaspersky Targeted Security solutions.
“This is a strategic business partnership for us that we trust will go far in servicing a growing need for IT security in this region. Namibia, along with other African countries, will remain a strong focus for our brand as we aim to continuously educate about IT security and offer effective solutions through distributors such as Comztek,” Dyagilev concludes.