
Joomla goes enterprise 2.0

Alex Kayle
By Alex Kayle, Senior portals journalist
Johannesburg, 13 Jan 2011

Joomla goes enterprise 2.0

Joomla, an open source content management system (CMS), is releasing version 1.6 of the software with more features aimed at enterprise collaboration, reports Information Week.

Ryan Ozimek, president of Open Source Matters, a non-profit organisation providing financial support to the project, says: "The underlying framework of the CMS is changing, making it much more useful for corporate collaboration.”

Version 1.6 changes from a fixed, two-level hierarchy for content to a user-defined hierarchy, according to the company. In addition, the new version adds flexibility and improved security permissions.

Adobe simplifies technical publishing

Adobe has unveiled Technical Communication Suite 3, the latest version of its multi-device publishing toolkit for the creation and publication of standards-compliant technical information and training material, states Business Wire.

“Today's technical communication end-user, from an average consumer to a design engineer, expects content experiences that are clear, concise and more engaging,” says Naresh Gupta, senior vice-president, print and publishing business unit, Adobe.

The improved version of Adobe's suite enables technical writers, help authors and instructional designers to author, enrich, manage, and seamlessly publish content to multiple channels and devices.

Drupal gets an upgrade

Content management system Drupal 7 has been released and the company claims to have incorporated new modules into the core platform, says PR Leap.

Drupal 7 features an easier-to-use, more intuitive interface, as well as improved performance and gentler learning curve for new Drupal users.

Drupal says some of its top modules have been incorporated into the core platform, and a new database abstraction layer improves performance and scalability.
