Organisations are under cost pressure. Yet, in the modern economy, everyone wants things faster and technology is evolving at a speed that makes it hard for companies to stay current. Organisations need a cohesive way of managing technology change and investment, so they are digitising strategically today in preparation for tomorrow.
This is according to Carel Du Toit, CEO of Mint Group, who spoke to ITWeb about how important it has become to create technology solutions that are fit-for-purpose and capable of supporting business growth in a sustainable and relevant way.
“We often tell customers that we don’t see the business value in implementing a certain technology or taking a certain approach,” he continues. “Tomorrow is such a key thing for us at Mint. How do we infuse technology into the business in a way that allows it to thrive.
The challenge for most companies is establishing a foundation that allows for success and growth at a time when there is huge volatility. Companies need to sell their solutions at a good margin while adding value to their customers through a time of economic and geopolitical uncertainty.
With every challenge, there is an opportunity
“In the past, organisations could stand still and survive, but that’s no longer possible,” says Du Toit. “If your business isn’t moving, you’re going backwards. The one thing you can control is technology and how it can empower your people and build business resilience. You need a workforce and a culture that understands how technology will change the way you work and give you the tools you need to perform when it matters most.”
Du Toit believes it is essential to invest in your people as they are the ones who enable the technology. “You will always have a human who drives the processes,” he emphasised.
Then there is strategy. Technology cannot be adopted piece-meal. You need to understand how it infuses into the business and its overarching strategy and then how it will differentiate the business in the current market.
“You need a strong, adaptable strategy and clarity into how you’re going to move the business forward,” says Du Toit. “Then you need to latch into technology that’s the perfect fit for this strategy. Cloud is an exceptional choice as it allows for flexibility and speed, and gets you to this golden place where you experience the perfect balance of time to value, client experiences and return on investment.”
Mint Group specialises in Microsoft integrations and has deep expertise across the Microsoft ecosystem. This expertise translates into ensuring organisations build a technology stack that’s relevant to their business strategy and has the resilience needed to deftly navigate disruption and complexity.
“Our business focuses on all the Microsoft technology stacks, from Azure AI to app modernisation through to migration into the cloud,” concludes Du Toit. “We build technology that helps you sell better, segment better, market better and ultimately serves the customer better. And we start at your point of need – we don’t want you to invest in technology that doesn’t deliver, only into technology that reimagines your tomorrow.”
To find out more about Mint Group and the deep business acumen that shapes how the company approaches technology and transformation, watch the video.