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ITWeb Cloud Summit: Legal expert to unpack SA’s national policy on data and cloud

Christopher Tredger
By Christopher Tredger, Portals editor
Johannesburg, 14 Oct 2024
Zwakele Mbanjwa, data and tech lawyer at Michalsons.
Zwakele Mbanjwa, data and tech lawyer at Michalsons.

Increased interest from global cloud providers in South Africa has raised concerns around data sovereignty, the risk of sensitive information being stored on foreign servers, and compliance with local laws. This led to the introduction of South Africa’s national policy on data and cl

This is the backdrop for the keynote address at ITWeb’s upcoming Cloud & Data Centre Summit to be delivered by Zwakele Mbanjwa, data and tech lawyer at Michalsons.

Mbanjwa will discuss how the policy sets guidelines for data protection, localisation and the use of cloud technologies, aiming to ensure data sovereignty, privacy and security.

He will also examine the implications of this policy for businesses, which will need to comply with local laws, adapt data storage practices, and align cloud strategies with regulatory requirements.

His keynote will explore in detail:

  • Understanding how businesses must store and process data within South African borders to achieve data sovereignty.
  • How the policy enforces stringent data privacy and security measures for businesses.
  • How companies need to adapt their cloud strategies in line with national policy.
  • How businesses can leverage the policy to innovate securely within the regulated framework.

The ITWeb Cloud & Data Centre Summit 2024 on 31 October at The Forum, Bryanston.

Click here for more information and to register.
