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IT service delivery accelerated with EYE 2008

By icomm
Pretoria, 22 Apr 2008

Provider of network management and service delivery solutions, Entuity, has announced its customers are reaping the benefits of its Eye of the Storm (EYE) 2008's IT service delivery enhancements.

Groundbreaking functionality within the EYE software suite is targeted at helping service providers plan, deploy, operate, improve, and when optimal, decommission network IT services.

Entuity solutions are available in South Africa through local partner, Nterprise Network Solutions (NNS).

"Whether an organisation is a managed service provider (MSP) contractually providing services to end customers, or the IT division of an enterprise, information technologists are challenged to efficiently manage and deliver network services in support of strategic and operational initiatives," explains Peter Harms, NNS managing director.

"The network has evolved from being merely an infrastructure component to being foundational to mission-critical processes, services and overall business success. Network-based applications are critical to today's organisation's IT services. With the built-in latency measurement, automated network discovery, topology mapping, configuration change management and the data export in EYE 2008, we will be better equipped to ensure our customers' networks are always up to the task," he adds.

EYE 2008 provides functionality enabling service providers to make informed decisions about committing to new services, properly deploy services, find and report extensive details about services, deliver proof of provided services, and ensure contracted service levels are attained. Network management functionality for IT service delivery now available includes:

* Service Provisioning Workflow - Provides a scriptable approach to quickly provision, modify, and decommission new customers, networks, and devices. Administrators can now efficiently accomplish in days a process would traditionally take weeks or longer. Enhanced control is also provided over the enabling/disabling of monitoring on a port-by-port basis and the selective management of interfaces for improved usability in service management and to minimise the cost of infrastructure support.

* EYE Executive Reporting - Delivers visually compelling and graphically concise reports that enable organisations to make the right decisions faster and with more confidence. The new Network Summary Report and the Capacity Planning Heat Map Report provides service managers, executives and business unit managers concise and graphical summaries of key network statistics and capacity utilisation trends perfect for empowering informed decisions and decisive actions. * EYE Configuration Monitor Module - Prevents service degradations and interruptions by monitoring and alerting on potentially detrimental network device configuration changes. The module automates critical configuration management functions - such as configuration compliance verification for enforcing best practice rules - to mitigate risk, improve compliance, and reduce the impact of unauthorised changes.

EYE 2008 provides new modules and functionality that offer: improved administration and control, streamlined IT service delivery, and advanced integration and automation to power the business. Eye of the Storm 2008 runs on Microsoft Windows 2003, Sun Solaris, RedHat Linux and VMware ESX environments.



Entuity is a leading provider of network management and service delivery solutions. The company's Eye of the Storm (EYE) software suite automatically discovers and captures unrivalled network data and analytics, and provides integrated fault and performance management capabilities that help businesses reduce network downtime, commit to, deliver and prove service level commitments, and ensure network configuration compliance.

Winner of numerous industry and business awards in the last year, EYE has been praised for its fast deployment, ease of use, and low cost of ownership. Entuity customers include enterprises, SIs, and MSPs such as ABB, Amtrak, Astra Zeneca, BMC Software, Deutsche Bank, IBM Global Services, The Royal Bank of Scotland, Sony, Visteon, and the Williams Companies. For more information on Entuity, please visit or call +1-508-357-6346 (North America) or +44 (0) 20 7444 4800 (Europe).

Nterprise Network Solutions

Nterprise Network Solutions (NNS), a 70% black-owned company, is an innovative supplier of ITSM-related services, enabling its clients to meet the challenge of end-to-end service management through the provision of a one-of-a-kind product and service offering called Integrity Management. The focus of the solutions is on the delivery of efficient end-to-end IT service availability through the management of configuration integrity drift.

Editorial contacts

Peter Harms
Nterprise Network Solutions
(012) 345 6609