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Intel CommunITy Chest charity drive kicks off again on spring day

Johannesburg, 01 Sep 2006

Intel South Africa has once again embarked on its annual CommunITy Chest charity drive, the aim of which is to collect unused promotional items such as clothing and stationery from companies and individuals in the IT industry and distribute them to charities.

Says Jacques van Schalkwyk, regional manager for Intel South and Sub-Saharan Africa: "Last year`s Intel CommunITy Chest project received an enthusiastic response from the industry, collecting more than 1 000 items of clothing and stationery for needy children and adults. Due to its success in the first year, we decided to go ahead again with this project for 2006 but on a much larger scale, with several collection points in Johannesburg at companies such as Intel, Annex, Axis, Esquire, Lightedge, Mecer, Pinnacle Micro and Sahara. The Intel CommunITy treasure chests will be emptied on a weekly basis and the items distributed through the Salvation Army to those who can really make good use of them."

Says Van Schalkwyk: "I believe it is a unique way in which South Africa`s IT community can get involved in helping the less fortunate. We all seem to accumulate large amounts of promotional clothing and other items each year that end up sitting unused in a cupboard somewhere - the kind of clothing that is either too small or too big; not the right style or colour or simply forgotten. This includes items such as golf shirts, peak caps, fleece tops, jackets and numerous others which would benefit somebody in real need. Promotional items such as branded pens, pencils, corporate folders and bags will also be accepted as they are useful for community centres, schools and training colleges which often struggle to afford even basic necessities such as stationery. By donating these items, individuals and companies will be able to finally free up some cupboard or basement space while at the same time do a good turn for those less fortunate that ourselves."

The charity drive will commence from September and run until the end of November 2006, including a drive to resellers through the Intel Channel Conferences countrywide. Intel truly believes that the CommunITy Chest project is a worthwhile endeavour enabling the IT industry to give back to the community in a small but significant way.

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Sue Castelyn
A-Plus Communications
(011) 789 9795