
Increase profit using LucidView’s oversell ratio booster for WISPs, ISPs

Increase your oversell ratio.
Increase your oversell ratio.

ISPs and WISPs that have a central internet breakout (typically, tier one or tier two ISPs) can use LucidView’s Saturation Manager to increase their oversell ratio, while at the same time increasing the responsiveness of their clients’ internet experience in general.

Unlike traditional packet shaping, the LucidView Saturation Manager is able to identify streaming traffic and shape this specifically. Streaming traffic applications are designed to scale up to full resolution using all the available bandwidth, which is a significant cause of saturation during peak times. This negatively impacts other latency-sensitive applications such as VOIP, normal browsing, etc. Furthermore, the auto-resolution ramp-up adversely affects typical business video applications such as MS Teams, Zoom, Google Meets, etc.

The LucidView Saturation Manager identifies very specific video streams, including YouTube, Netflix, Disney Prime, Showmax, Facebook video, WhatsApp video and more. When the bandwidth is saturated, the LucidView Saturation Manager limits the bandwidth available to these streaming services, causing them to reduce resolution and therefore the instantaneous bandwidth requirements. This implies that users watching streaming videos will be able to continue watching, just at a slightly lower resolution, while all other critical applications will experience no latency at all.

This solution ensures that you, the ISP or WISP, can increase your oversell ratio significantly, while at the same time avoiding costly bandwidth upgrades for extended periods

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Patricia Stuthridge