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iEnter: Taking concrete steps towards more intelligent software development

Johannesburg, 11 Jun 2014
Jan Lewis, managing director, iEnter
Jan Lewis, managing director, iEnter

A Johannesburg-based software developer is agitating for a more intelligent approach to how code is produced - and iEnter says it is delivering better solutions for lower cost as a result of applying this philosophy.

Its implementation of development intelligence, says iEnter managing director Jan Lewis, combines IBM Rational Software's DevOps or Microsoft's Application Lifecycle Management with the Agile development methodology. "That sets the benchmark for how optimal software development is done today," he notes.

With clients in the government and financial sectors, Lewis says a higher degree of precision is demanded of iEnter's software developers. "Software is the lifeblood of these organisations and many others. The modern way of doing business is inextricably tied to a vast, complex and intertwined foundation of code - and if that code isn't produced efficiently, if it doesn't run effectively and if it doesn't do what it is supposed to, things inevitably grind to a halt."

iEnter's approach to development intelligence, continues Lewis, combines software sales, support, implementation and training services to generate more from less. "By using IBM and Microsoft tools, and the Agile methodology, we are able to achieve a higher rate of work in a smaller, better managed team. The result is a higher satisfaction rate across our client portfolio."

As an IBM Advanced Business Partner, Lewis says iEnter employs a team of expert trainers and developers which implements Development Intelligence tools and processes to derive greater value from the software investments of its clients. "This equips us to achieve precision in desired business outcomes."

IBM Rational Consultant at iEnter Glenn Watkins notes that IBM's Rational toolset for software developers covers the entire software development lifecycle. "By using Rational as a core component of our approach, we're able to break down barriers between developers and businesspeople. That means the ability to optimise technology assets in line with business goals, for the delivery of smarter products which accurately meet the needs of individual clients."

The key, continues Watkins, is that Rational integrates the interrelated disciplines associated with software development, "From requirements to coding, from testing to build and release. And it embraces the latest modes in software delivery, including Agile and cloud computing. That allows systems and IT teams to work in continuous delivery cycles for improved business performance."

Development Intelligence isn't just a theory, either - Watkins says iEnter has applied the approach for the delivery of software to a leading South African bank. "By personalising the implementation and training on Rational tools in a nationwide banking environment, the result is staff who can better understand the software and its use within the business."

The iEnter team is also working with an information and communications technology (ICT) service provider in the public sector, reveals Watkins. "We're assisting this client to gain improved understanding of the Rational Software toolset by providing onsite consulting, implementation, assistance and training. We are also configuring the tools to better support their specific environment, exact functional requirements and processes."

Lewis says IBM Rational toolset supports greater value from software investments, particularly when used in combination with the Agile methodology. "The goal is to deliver software that accurately meets business requirements - and that's what we're achieving with Development Intelligence," he concludes.


Editorial contacts

Karen Heydenrych
(083) 302 9494
Chane' Mackay
iEnterprise Solution
(011) 447 4701