President Cyril Ramaphosa's weekend announcement that the whole country would move to level three restrictions was good news for the ICT sector, seeing many of its customers returning to operations. For those that target government spend, however, the news was doubly good as a return to work for the public sector means that procurement operations will also see activity.
This week's National Tender Bulletin, while skimpy in appearance, strongly favours the ICT sector. The Presidency opens the issue with a request through the State IT Agency (SITA) for network access control and a service level agreement.
SITA itself is particularly busy this week with two new tenders advertised in addition to that for the Presidency. It has also trawled through its outstanding tenders and eventually published official notices of cancellations of some 10 tenders dating back as far as the 2017 financial year.
The Medical Research Council of South Africa provides the advertisement of note this week with its request of wide area network connectivity services. In this era of the coronavirus, the council is the only organisation to include a briefing session for its tender, albeit non-compulsory.
New tenders
State Information Technology Agency
SITA is advertising for network access control and service level agreement for three years for The Presidency.
Tender no: RFB 2128/ 2019
Information: Linda Vabaza, Tel: (012) 482 3000, E-mail: Linda.Vabaza@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 19 Jun 2020
Tags: Hardware, Services, Networking, Support and maintenance
The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform needs the procurement of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and the server room environmental maintenance and support to for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFB 2146/ 2020
Information: Cindy Kobe, Tel: (012) 482 3293, E-mail: Cindy.kobe@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 12 Jun 2020
Tags: Hardware, Services, UPS
The agency is also advertising for the provision of firewall maintenance and support to Gauteng Provincial Government for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFB 2144/ 2020
Information: Mametsi Raphala, Tel: (012) 482 2588, E-mail: mametsi.raphala@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 12 Jun 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Security
KwaZulu-Natal Film Commission
The commission wishes to appoint a service provider to provide the following IT managed services for a period of two years.
- The service provider must be a certified Microsoft partner or solutions provider
- The service provider must be a certified Cisco partner
- The service provider must be a certified VMware solutions provider
- The service provider must be a certified Dell EMC solutions provider
- The service provider must be a certified Fortinet partner or distributor
- The service provider must be a certified Veeam solutions provider.
Briefing session: Due to COVId-19 there will be no briefing session. All related queries need to be emailed to LwaziN@kwazulunatalfilm.co.za and tenders@kwazulunatalfilm.co.za. Cut-off date is 5th June 2020 for enquiries all queries will be published in our Organizational Website.
Tender no: KZNFC- T02/ 2020/21
Information: Technical: Lwazi Nodada, Tel: (031) 325 0200, E-mail: LwaziN@kwazulunatalfilm.co.za. General: Olivia Manjate, Tel: (031) 325 0200, E-mail: tenders@kwazulunatalfilm.co.za.
Closing date: 15 Jun 2020
Tags: Hardware, Services, Software, Support and maintenance, Managed services
Medical Research Council of South Africa
The MRC requires provision of wide area network connectivity services.
Non-compulsory briefing session: 1 Jun
Tender no: SAMRC/ ITSDWANC/2020/ 04
Information: Technical: Patrick Charls, Tel: (021) 938 0911, Fax: (021) 938 0611, E-mail: Patrick.Charls@mrc.ac.za. General: Supply Chain Management, Tel: (021) 938 0911, Fax: (021) 938 0611, E-mail: tenders@mrc.ac.za.
Closing date: 19 Jun 2020
Tags: Hardware, Services, Software, Networking
Department of Social Development
The department wishes to procure an information communication technology (ICT) monitoring tool.
Tender no:SD10/ 2019
Information: Technical: Mapaseka Nkhethoa, Tel: (012) 312 7108, E-mail: MapasekaM@dsd.gov.za. General: S Mabina, Tel: (012) 312 7447, E-mail: ShamaM@dsd.gov.za.
Closing date: 12 Jun 2020
Tags: Software, Monitoring
Safety and Security Education and Training Authority
A suitable and experienced records management specialist service provider is sought for a period of five (5) years from the date of appointment.
Tender no:RFP/ SASSETA/201920127/ 1
Information: Musa Mazibuko, E-mail: scm01@sasseta.org.za.
Closing date: 12 Jun 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Records management
Request for information
Driving Licence Card Account
Potential and qualified service providers are invited to provide information (card material, equipment, services, etc) related to the production of driving licence cards.
Tender no: DLCA\RFI\2020/ 01
Information: Technical: Mpolokeng Mokone, Tel: (012) 347 2522, E-mail: pmo@dlca.gov.za. General: Kganki Kekana or Nhlamulo Mabasa, Tel: (012) 347 2522, E-mail: tenders@dlca.gov.za.
Closing date: 8 Jun 2020
Tags: Services, Software, Hardware, Smart cards
Department of Social Development, Limpopo
Request for supply; installation and configuration of cabling, hardware infrastructure and a wireless solution for Limpopo Department of Social Development (Vhembe District).
Tender no:RFB 2098/ 2019
Information: Pitsi Mashamaite, Tel: (015) 291 8012, E-mail: Pitsi.Mashamaite@sita.co.za.
New closing date: 12 Jun 2020
Tags: Hardware, Networking, Wireless
Agricultural Sector Education and Training Authority
The AgriSETA wishes to appoint a service provider who is registered on CSD to provide website and Internet design, Support, maintenance services for a period of thirty-six (36) months and an additional 200 hours of graphics design services.
Tender no: AGRISETA/ 2019/14
Information: Donald Selahle, Tel: (012) 301 5610, Fax: (012) 325 1677, E-mail: donald@agriseta.co.za.
New closing date: 29 May 2020
Tags: Software, Software development, Services, Support and Maintenance, Internet, Graphics design
Western Cape Government
SITA is calling for quotes for a fully redundant Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute service between Western Cape Government’s Corporate VPN at SITA and Teraco (in Cape Town) for a period of sixty (60) months.
Tender no: RFB 2086/ 2019
Information: Athini Ndungane, Tel: (021) 442 8531, E-mail: Athini.Ndungane@sita.co.za.
New closing date: 12 Jun 2020
Tags: Software, Services
State Information Technology Agency
Supply, installation, maintenance and support of Cisco internet protocol telephony system for the Eastern Cape Social Development for the period of twelve (12) months.
Tender no: RFB 1675/ 2017
Appointment of a panel of suppliers for ICT business continuity management and ICT disaster recovery management training for the Department of Defence over a period of thirty-six (36) months.
Tender no: RFA 1873/ 2018
Supply of introductory cloud training to the SITA hosting, storage, printing and cloud programme department for a period of twelve (12) months.
Tender no: RFB 1833/ 2018
The procurement of Microsoft service provider license agreement for the government private cloud ecosystem (GPCE).
Tender no: RFB 2021/ 2019
Supply, install, configure and implement a data repository for clinical and non-clinical electronic health records for the Gauteng Department of Health (GDOH) with 5 year maintenance and support.
Tender no: RFB 1855/ 2018
Supply of eGazzette System for Government Printing Works for a period of thirty six months.
Tender no: RFB 1978/ 2019
Three-year development support and license agreement for SITA Discovery solution.
Tender no: RFB 1944/ 2018
Procurement process for the appointment of SITA as a SUSE Cloud Service Provider (CSP).
Tender no: RFB 2033/ 2019
Request to bid for Ansys Inc commercial software support contract on behalf of South African Navy for a period of three (03) years – Western Cape.
Tender no: RFB 1895/ 2019
Request for bid for Admin Studio Enterprise licence with application compatibility perpetual licence plus maintenance (Gold) for Western Cape Government: Department of Premier.
Tender no: RFB 1787/ 2018
Gauteng Department of Economic Development
Appointment of a service provider for the implementation of the Gauteng Innovation and Knowledge Economy Strategy (GIKES).
Tender no: GT/ GDED/ 003/ 2020
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
Appointment of a service provider to provide a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution for a period of three years on an 80/20 PPPFA 2000, Preferential Procurement Regulation: 2017.
Tender no: ICASA 11/ 2019
National Research Foundation
Supply and delivery of one VGOS digital backend.
Tender no: NRF SARAO HART 002- 2019
Successful bidder: HAT-LAB SRL
Value: R3 109 066
Supply and delivery of radio frequency over fibre transmitters and receivers.
Tender no: NRF/ SARAO HART 003/ 2019
Successful bidder: Accutronics (Pty) Ltd
Value: R2 508 069
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, Gauteng
Procure software support (license support) for the ECM Environment.
Tender no: RFB 1670/ 2017
Successful bidder: Faranani Doctec (Pty) Ltd
Value: R4 529 625.13 linked to ROE
Financial Services Board
Support and maintenance of F5 Equipment.
Tender no: FSCA2019- 20-T021
Successful bidder: XON Systems (Pty) Ltd
Value: R5 069 455