It's a quieter week for ICT tenders as public sector procurement appears to experience an all-round slow down. Nevertheless, there is still much for the sector to pursue. In particular, the number of national government departments looking to deal directly with the market is likely to attract attention.
These includes requests for software from the departments of Defence and Sport, Arts and Culture, while the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development is looking for enhancements on its strategically located land decision support (SLLDS) tool.
In terms of services, the Department of Health is looking to outsource the printing and delivery of its data collection tools for community health workers; while National Treasury is looking for a service provider to conduct assessments of different categories of municipalities’ capacity to implement development charges.
Moving to networking, the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure is advertising for renewal and implementation of network equipment licenses with maintenance and support. The Department of International Relations and Cooperation, on the other hand is offering a more ambitious opportunity for the design, implementation, maintenance and support of a highly secured cloud centric network infrastructure that covers wide area network, local area network, enterprise wireless and enterprise telephony infrastructures for a period of five years.
Despite the increasing number of national departments appealing directly to the market, the State IT Agency (SITA) should not be ruled out. In fact, the agency is this week's most active advertiser with the number of requests equal to that offered by the top tier of government.
Looking at the week more broadly, software and services see a decline with 49 (down eight) and 37 (down 10) requests respectively. Interest in hardware and telecommunications remains stable, however, at 28 and 9 opportunities each.
New tenders
Coega Development Cooperation
The CDC invites bids for the implementation of an IT service management (ITSM) solution based on the latest ITIL framework.
Non-Compulsory briefing: 28 Jun – Virtual
Tender no: CDC/197/21
Information: Zine Mtanda, Tel: (043) 711 1600, E-mail: tenders@coega.co.za.
Closing date: 14 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, ITSM, ITIL, Services, IT service management
An accredited service provider is also sought to conduct ISO 20000 and ISO 27000 standards audits.
Non-Compulsory briefing: 25 Jun – Virtual
Tender no: CDC/199/21
Information: Zine Mtanda, Tel: (043) 711 1600, E-mail: tenders@coega.co.za.
Closing date: 12 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, ISO 20000, ISO 27000, Services, Information security management, IT service management, Consulting, Security
The CDC wishes to acquire an enterprise architecture and business process tool system.
Tender no: CDC/2/21
Information: Zine Mtanda, Tel: (043) 711 1600, E-mail: tenders@coega.co.za.
Closing date: 14 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Enterprise architecture. Business Processing
Eastern Cape Socio-Economic Consultative Council
The council is advertising for the provision of tele and voice management services.
Tender no: ECS03/21/22R
Information: Sibongile Ndubaza, Tel: (043) 701 3400, E-mail: tenders@ecsecc.org.
Closing date: 19 Jul 2021
Tags: Telecommunications, Telephony, Voice
Emalahleni Local Municipality
The Eastern Cape municipality wishes to appoint a service provider for the compilation and maintenance of movable and immovable asset register as well as provision of an asset management system for a period of three years.
Compulsory briefing: 29 Jun – Virtual briefing on Microsoft Teams. Bidders must submit their e-mail addresses to mzwanan@emalahlenilm.gov.za on or before 15:00pm 28 June 2021.
Tender no: ELM/2/6/2021T
Information: N Mzwana or M Madikizela, Tel: (047) 878 2029, E-mail: mzwanan@emalahlenilm.gov.za, madikizelam@emalahlenilm.gov.za.
Closing date: 5 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Asset management, Asset register, Support and maintenance
Moqhaka Local Municipality
The Free State municipality is advertising for the supply, delivery, installation deployment and printing services (including print management software) for a period of three years.
Tender no: 2/2/4/2020-21
Information: Karabo Moroke, Tel: (056) 216 9205, E-mail: karabom@moqhaka.gov.za.
Closing date: 19 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware, Printing, Software
The municipality is also calling for supply and delivery of two servers.
Tender no: 2/2/5/2020-21
Information: Karabo Moroke, Tel: (056) 216 9205, E-mail: karabom@moqhaka.gov.za.
Closing date: 5 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware, Servers
Performing Arts Council of the Free State
The council invites bids for the provision of website redesign, hosting and maintenance for a period of three years renewable annually based on performance.
Tender no: PAC/Website Redesign/2021
Information: Nomza Topo, Tel: (051) 447 7771 ext 2225, E-mail: Nomza@pacofs.co.za.
Closing date: 30 Jul 2021
Tags: Services, Software, Internet, Hosting, Support and maintenance, Software development
The company wishes to procure a video conferencing solution.
Non-compulsory briefing: 8 Jul
Tender no: EICT/2021/05
Information: Samson Mahlangu, Tel: (012) 428 3650, E-mail: aopts@armscor.co.za.
Closing date: 19 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Internet, Hardware, Video conferencing
Professional services are also sought to implement a business intelligence (BI) tool.
Tender no: EICT/2021/06
Information: Samson Mahlangu, Tel: (012) 428 3650, E-mail: aopts@armscor.co.za.
Closing date: 21 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Professional services, Business intelligence, BI
Monitoring and maintenance of the Thaba Tshwane videofied alarm system is also required for a period of 2 years.
Tender no: SCM/2021/09
Information: Samson Mahlangu, Tel: (012) 428 3650, E-mail: aopts@armscor.co.za.
Closing date: 20 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Contact centre, Security, Video
City of Johannesburg
The metro wishes to appoint a panel of specialist forensic investigation providers for the period of 36 months.
Tender no: A873
Information: William Pudikabekwa, E-mail: WilliamPu@joburg.org.za.
Closing date: 9 Jul 2021
Tags: Services, Consulting
Proposals are also invited for the appointment of a service provider to provide ERP-SAP support for a period of three years.
Tender no: A874
Information: Gugu Mosime, Tel: 0860 562 874, E-mail: ictoutsourced@joburg.org.za.
Closing date: 30 Jul 2021
Tags: Services, Software, ERP, Support and maintenance
Public Protector South Africa
A service provider is also sought to repair telephone points, lines and provide telephone handsets at its Durban provincial office.
Tender no: RFQ 02/2021
Information: Nkele Nemusimbori or Busisiwe Biyela, Tel: (012) 366 7014/7032, E-mail: nkelen@pprotect.org.
Closing date: 17 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware, Telecommunications, Telephony
Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
The metro wishes to appoint a panel of consulting firms to assist the finance department in performing finance related assignments.
Tender no: MMM/BID 609: 2020/2021
Information: Phikolomzi Makiwane, Tel: (051) 405 8329, E-mail: phikolomzi.makiwane@mangaung.co.za.
Closing date: 14 Jul 2021
Tags: Services, Consulting
Financial Sector Conduct Authority
The authority is advertising for the provision of an on-premise identity and access management solution.
Non-compulsory briefing: 15 Jun – Microsoft Teams. Bidders who would like to participate in the non-compulsory virtual briefing session will be provided with Microsoft Teams link on the FCSA website.
Tender no: FSCA202122-T002
Information: Monicca Masenya, Tel: (012) 422 2980/5179, E-mail: tenders@fsca.co.za.
Closing date: 6 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware, Software, Identity, Security, Biometrics, Access management
The FSCA also requires subscription licences and support for Polycom RealConnect services.
Non-compulsory briefing: 15 Jun – Microsoft Teams. Bidders who would like to participate in the non-compulsory virtual briefing session will be provided with Microsoft Teams link on the FCSA website.
Tender no: FSCA202122-T003
Information: Monicca Masenya, Tel: (012) 422 2980/7159, E-mail: tenders@fsca.co.za.
Closing date: 20 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Video conferencing, Services, Support and maintenance, Software licensing
Department of Defence
The department is advertising for the supply, delivery and installation of architecture engineering and construction (AEC) collection software with training for a period of three years.
Compulsory briefing: 4 Jun – Microsoft Teams: online briefing session link.
Tender no: CPSC-B-PC-006-2021
Information: Major N. Sobekwa, Tel: (012) 649 6682, E-mail: invitationdodcpsc@gmail.com.
Closing date: 26 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Training and eLearning
Department of Public Works and Infrastructure
The department wishes to appoint a service provider for the renewal and implementation of network equipment licenses with maintenance and support.
Tender no: H21/001GS
Information: Kagelelo Segole, Tel: (012) 406 1362, E-mail: Kagelelo.segole@dpw.gov.za.
Closing date: 20 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Hardware, Services, Support and maintenance, Networking, Software licensing
South African National Energy Development Institute
Sanedi is calling for proposals for the implementation of the Protection of Personal Information Act.
Tender no: 1321
Information: Nondumiso Buthelezi, Tel: (011) 038 4369, E-mail: Enquiries.procurement@sanedi.org.za.
Closing date: 6 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Consulting, Protection of Personal Information Act, POPI
Majuba TVET College
The KwaZulu-Natal institution is advertising for the provision of a facial and palm verification system.
Compulsory briefing: 8 July
Tender no: IT 19/17 C Rev 01
Information: Peggy Mazibuko, Tel: (034) 326 4888, E-mail: Peggy.mazibuko@majuba.edu.za.
Closing date: 19 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Hardware, Biometrics, Security, Identity management
State Diamond Trader
The organisation is looking for provision of information technology communication (ICT) support services including hosting solution, networking and maintenance services for a period of five years.
Tender no: RFP 01/2021
Information: Zamokuhle Latha, Tel: (010) 003 0310, E-mail: quotation@statedimaondtrader.gov.za.
Closing date: 9 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware, Networking, Services, Support and maintenance, Software, Hosting
Community Schemes Ombud Service
CSOC wishes to appoint a service provider for the provision of a records management solution and support for a period of five years.
Tender no: CSOS005-2021
Information: Jabulile Sithole, Tel: (010) 593 0533, E-mail: tenders@csos.org.za.
Closing date: 28 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Records management, Support and maintenance
National Research Foundation
The foundation is looking for a service provider to supply and deliver virtual tours at iThemba LABS.
Tender no: iLABS/RFQ 2021/22:69
Information: Hilton Tobias or Khanyisa Maqwara, Tel: (021) 843 1000/1379, E-mail: htobias@tlabs.ac.za, scm2@tlabs.ac.za.
Closing date: 14 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Software development, 3D, Internet, IoT
National Student Financial Aid Scheme
Supply and delivery of Microsoft licenses is sought for a period of three years.
Tender no: SCMN010/2021
Information: SCM Unit, Tel: (021) 763 3200, E-mail: SCM@nsfas.org.za.
Closing date: 23 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Software licensing
Bids are also invited for managed cyber security services for a period of three years.
Tender no: SCMN011/2021
Information: SCM Unit, Tel: (021) 763 3200, E-mail: SCM@nsfas.org.za.
Closing date: 15 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Security, Cyber security, Managed services
Council for Medical Schemes
The council wishes to appoint a service provider for the maintenance of its telephone system for a period of 1 year.
Tender no: RFQ/CMS/ITT/030434
Information: Ludwe Madayi, Tel: (012) 431 0484, E-mail: l.madayi@medicalschemes.co.za.
Closing date: 6 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Hardware, Services, Support and maintenance, Telephony, Telecommunications
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
The department invites bids for the enhancement of the existing strategically located land decision support (SLLDS) tool for a period of six months.
Compulsory briefing: 12 Jul – Virtual meeting. Link.
Tender no: 5/2/2/1 DALRRD-0017 (2021/2022)
Information: T Mlambo, P Makhado or A Olyn, Tel: (012) 312 8711, E-mail: Abie.olyn@dalrrd.gov.za, Tshepo.Mlambo@dalrrd.gov.za, Pfarelo.makhado@dalrrd.gov.za.
Closing date: 28 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Software development
Eskom requires Aveva Prism support professional services for the period of three years.
Tender no: CORP No:5458
Information: Nokwabelwa Khanyile, Tel: (011) 800 6232, E-mail: khanyign@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 27 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Asset management, Services, Support and maintenance
Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority
The authority wishes to appoint a service provider for the supply and implementation of a treasury management system, including maintenance, support and licensing for a period of five years.
Non-compulsory briefing: 14 Jun – Microsoft Teams.
Tender no: 51/2021/ESS/TMS/RFB
Information: Receiving Officer, Tel: (012) 683 1200, E-mail: Tenders02@tcta.co.za.
Closing date: 5 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
Department of Health
The national department is calling for a printing company to print and deliver data collection tools for community health workers in identified health districts.
Tender no: NDOH-07(2021/2022)
Information: Mondli Botha, Cell: 083 578 9054, E-mail: Mondli.botha@health.gov.za.
Closing date: 20 Jul 2021
Tags: Services, Printing
Broadband Infraco SOC Limited
A panel of service providers is sought to provide support services resources for all business units on an adhoc basis for a period of three years.
Tender no: INF/TEN 0276 Re-issue
Information: Barbara Khambule, Tel: (011) 235 1603, E-mail: Barbara.Khambule@infraco.co.za.
Closing date: 9 Jul 2021
Tags: Services, Consulting, Support and maintenance
Tshwane Economic Development Agency
TEDA is looking for a service provider to provide a third party risk management verification system for a period of three years.
Tender no: TEDA : BID 01/06/21
Information: Richard Ramolemi, Tel: (012) 358 5967, E-mail: richardra@tshwane.gov.za.
Closing date: 30 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Security, Risk management
Department of Sport, Arts and Culture
The national department wishes to appoint a service provider to procure and install an asset management system.
Compulsory briefing: 18 Jun - Link
Tender no: DSAC 03/21-22
Information: Rendani Ratshilumela, Cell: 072 613 0024, E-mail: Rendanir@Dsac.gov.za.
Closing date: 16 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Asset management
South African Qualifications Authority
The authority wishes to procure:
2 x Lenovo X380 Yoga,
16 x Lenovo T490 or (equivalent) laptops, and
18 x laptop bags.
Tender no: SAQA RFQ (Procurement of i7 Laptops and Laptop Bags)
Information: Donald Motsoai, Tel: (012) 431 5000, E-mail: dmotsoai@saqa.co.za.
Closing date: 5 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
Umzimkhulu Local Municipality
The KwaZulu-Natal municipality wishes to procure an audit, risk and compliance system on a three year contract.
Non-compulsory briefing: 14 Jun
Tender no: ULM-MM-IA001/20
Information: L. Mthobeni, Tel: (039) 259 5070, E-mail: mthobenil@umzimkhululm.gov.za.
Closing date: 9 Jul 2021
Tags: Software
George Municipality
A service provider is sought for a geographical information system, licensing and support for a period of three years, from date of appointment.
Tender no: MM013/2021
Information: Stephan Jansen van Vuuren, Tel: (044) 801 9134, E-mail: spjansenvanvuuren@george.gov.za.
Closing date: 19 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance, GIS, Software licensing
Construction Industry Development Board
The board invites tenders from Microsoft partners to provide application development, maintenance and support of Microsoft cloud services and applications for a period of 36 months.
Non-compulsory briefing: 6 Jul - Online briefing session link
Tender no: CIDB/002/2122
Information: Sphiwe Mlangeni, Tel: (012) 482 7328, E-mail: sphiwem@cidb.org.za.
Closing date: 23 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Software development, Cloud computing, Applications, Services, Support and maintenance
National Treasury
The department wishes to appointment a service provider to conduct an assessment of different categories of municipalities’ capacity to implement development charges for a period of six months.
Tender no: NT009-2021
Information: Thivhileli Matshinyatsimbi, Knowledge Ndou or Kwame Mzileni, Tel: (012) 315 5285/5919, E-mail: Thivhileli.Matshinyatsimbi@treasury.gov.za, Knowledge.Ndou@treasury.gov.za, Kwame.Mzileni@Treasury.gov.za.
Closing date: 9 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Consulting, Software development
Education, Training and Development Practices SETA
Terms of reference are sought for internet services and connectivity (wide area network, IP telephony, network security and communications).
Tender no: SCMU NO: 06 – 2021/22
Information: Sibusiso Kutshwa, Tel: (011) 372 3330, E-mail: SibusisoK@etdpseta.org.za.
Closing date: 6 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Telecommunications, Networking, Security, Telephony
Bids are invited for the appointment of a panel of installers or installation companies for the installation of domestic digital terrestrial television (DTT) STB’s, direct to home (DTH) STBs and integrated digital television receive system in the Free State Province for a period of three years.
Non-compulsory briefing: 29 Jun
Tender no: SENT/012/2021-22
Information: Norman Sithole, Tel: (011) 471 4443, E-mail: tendera@sentech.co.za.
Closing date: 16 Jul 2021
Tags: Services, DTT, DTH, STB, Digital television
South African Nuclear Energy Corporation Limited
The company is looking for a service provider to supply, deliver and install VoIP system, VoIP system maintenance and SIP trunks to Necsa site and Vaal-puts.
Tender no: FBD-SCM-2021-TEN-0003
Information: Buyani Nsibande, Tel: (012) 305 6072, E-mail: SCM@necsa.co.za.
Closing date: 16 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Networking, Hardware, Support and maintenance, VoIP, Telephony, Telecommunications, SIP
State Information Technology Agency
Trend Micro license renewal, including Deep Discovery Inspector, Analyser and premium support, is sought for the Presidency for the period of three (3) years.
Tender no: RFB 2465-2021
Information: Bongi Mochalatjie, Tel: (012) 482 2034, E-mail: Bongi.Mochalatjie@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 13 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance, Software licensing, Security
SITA is advertising for the upgrade of Dell/EMC Isilon and data domain backup infrastructure for the DoD including maintenance and support for a period of three years.
Non-compulsory briefing: 6 Jul – Jitsi link.
Tender no: RFB 2445-2021
Information: Lekoetsi Makwela, Tel: (012) 482 3010, E-mail: Lekoetsi.Makwela@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 20 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware, Storage, Backup, Services, Support and maintenance
The supply of network equipment is required for the implementation of a fully outsourced dedicated virtual private network for the South African Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator.
Tender no: RFQ 4180-AH-2021
Information: Maletsatsi Sekhampu, Tel: (012) 482 2420, E-mail: Maletsatsi.Sekhampu@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 6 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware, Networking, Outsourcing, VPN
Bids are invited for the procurement of servers and network equipment for the higher education and training VPN.
Tender no: RFQ 4176-AH-2021
Information: Nkamoheleng Thukhoe, Tel: (012) 482 2420, E-mail: Nkamoheleng.Thukhoe@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 6 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware, Networking, Servers
SITA is also looking for training providers for system testing courses for its employees.
Tender no: RFQ 4179-1626-2021
Information: Mpho Ntswane, Tel: (012) 482 2127, E-mail: Mpho.Ntswane@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 7 Jul 2021
Tags: Services, Training and eLearning, IT management
Procurement of the Cisco hardware components is also sought.
Tender no: RFB 2466-2021
Information: Andisiwe Kunaka, Tel: (012) 482 3293, E-mail: Andisiwe.Kunaka@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 19 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware
SITA wishes to procure a digital signature solution with maintenance and support for a period of three years for the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Human Settlements.
Tender no: RFB 2464-2021
Information: Mafiwa Malebatja, Tel: (015) 291 8133, E-mail: Mafiwa.Malebatja@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 9 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Identity management, Security, Digitalisation, Digital signature, Support and maintenance
Department of Higher Education and Training, North West
The North West University is in need of installation of audio-visual equipment. Proof of accredited SACI installer required (SACIA level AV professional).
Tender no: NWUTR049/2021PC
Information: Heleen Humpel, Tel: (018) 285 2840, E-mail: 21977682@nwu.ac.za.
Closing date: 4 Aug 2021
Tags: Hardware, Services, Audio-visual
The supply and installation of electrical supply points, light fittings, network points, power distribution ductwork, integration and upgrade of distribution boards (400/231V) and ducting for IT, and ELD services is also sought. CIDB grading: 3 EB.
Tender no: NWUTR051/2021PC
Information: Heleen Humpel, Tel: (018) 285 2840, E-mail: 21977682@nwu.ac.za.
Closing date: 5 Aug 2021
Tags: Hardware, Networking
In another tender, NWU is again inviting bids for installation of audio-visual equipment. Proof of accredited SACI installer required (SACIA level AV professional).
Tender no: NWUTR052/2021PC
Information: Heleen Humpel, Tel: (018) 285 2840, E-mail: 21977682@nwu.ac.za.
Closing date: 5 Aug 2021
Tags: Hardware, Services, Audio-visual
Uphongolo Local Municipality
The KwaZulu-Natal region is looking for a network service provider to supply and install new microwave/satellite data solutions for five sites for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: 658/05/21
Information: Z Wessels, Tel: (034) 413 1223, E-mail: zomae@uphongolo.gov.za.
Closing date: 5 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware, Telecommunications, Data, Services, Networking, Satellite
Lepelle Northern Water
The utility requires provision of unified e-mail management services for a period of five years.
Tender no: LNW 25/20/21
Information: Rose Mulaudzi, Tel: (015) 295 1871, E-mail: rosem@lepelle.co.za.
Closing date: 7 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, E-mail, Unified communications
Small Enterprise Finance Agency
The agency is looking for a service provider to supply and maintain a converged voice, video and data MPLS network for period of two years.
Tender no: sefa:56/IT/2021
Information: Sebotse Mokgabudi, Tel: (012) 748 9725, E-mail: sebotsem@sefa.org.za.
Closing date: 16 Jul 2021
Tags: Telecommunications, Networking, Voice, Video, Data, MPLS
Driving Licence Card Account
A suitable South African service provider is sought to provide replacement parts for the live capture enrolment units.
Compulsory briefing: 5 Jul - Online briefing session link. Meeting ID: 749 2744 7478. Passcode: tV4Jqq.
Tender no: DLCA/2021/03
Information: Kganki Kekana or Norma Zeka, Tel: (012) 347 2522, E-mail: kganki.kekana@dlca.gov.za - SCM/admin enquiries; norma.zeka@dlca.gov.za - Technical Enquiries.
Closing date: 16 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware, Services, Live capture, Support and maintenance
Medical Research Council of South Africa
The council is advertising for provision of software development services.
Non-compulsory briefing: 15 Jun - Vendors who intend to attend the briefing session should e-mail their requests to: Tenders@mrc.ac.za with either the tender description or tender reference on the subject line of the email. This should be done prior the meeting date.
Tender no: SAMRC/ITSD-PSDS/2021/12
Information: Supply Chain Management, Keith Ross, Tel: (021) 938 0911, E-mail: Keith.ross@mrc.ac.za, Tenders@mrc.ac.za.
Closing date: 9 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Software development
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
ICASA requires Netbotz system maintenance for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFQ 13/06/2021
Information: Sinenhlanhla Masondo, Tel: (012) 568 3014, E-mail: smasondo@icasa.org.za.
Closing date: 6 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
Department of International Relations and Cooperation
DIRCO wishes to appoint a service provider(s) to design, implement, maintain and support a highly secured cloud centric network infrastructure that covers wide area network, local area network, enterprise wireless, enterprise telephony infrastructures for a period of five years.
Non-compulsory briefing: 6 Jul – Virtual briefing. Link
Tender no: DIRCO 02-2021/22
Information: SCM Unit, Tel: (012) 351 0000/0915/9198/8640, E-mail: mokorok@dirco.gov.za, molekoas@dirco.gov.za, motloungr@dirco.gov.za, seeman@dirco.gov.za.
Closing date: 27 Jul 2021
Tags: Services, Software, Hardware, Cloud, Networking, Wireless, Telephony, Security, Support and maintenance
South African Broadcasting Corporation Limited
The broadcaster requires provision of redundancy links for SABC radio stations.
Non-compulsory briefing: 6 Jul – Microsoft Teams meeting. Link.
Tender no: RFP/RPB/2021/30
Information: Blessed Katiyo, Tel: (011) 714 2616, E-mail: katiyobt@sabc.co.za.
Closing date: 21 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware, Telecommunications
Bids are also invited for the provision of radio playout and schedule copy software.
Tender no: RFP/IT/2021/29
Information: Tender Office, Tel: (011) 714 3089, E-mail: tenderqueries@sabc.co.za.
Closing date: 23 Jul 2021
Tags: Software
A video conferencing solution is also sought.
Non-compulsory briefing: 7 Jul - Click here to join the meeting.
Tender no: RFP/IT/2021/23
Information: Lebohang Tlale, E-mail: tenderqueries@sabc.co.za.
Closing date: 23 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Hardware, Video conferencing
The SABC is looking for a turnkey solution for the supply, delivery, installation and configuration of core broadcast systems, peripherals and technical furniture for Bloemfontein’s Lesedi FM on-air studios and news reading booths facilities.
Tender no: RFP/RBF/2021/15
Information: Lebohang Tlale, E-mail: tenderqueries@sabc.co.za.
Closing date: 16 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Hardware, Broadcasting
Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of pro-tools control surface and network storage is also required for the KZN drama studio.
Tender no: RFP/ENG/2021/76
Information: Lebohang Tlale, E-mail: penzep@sabc.co.za.
Closing date: 21 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Hardware, Broadcasting, Networking, Storage
Expressions of interest
Driving Licence Card Account
The organisation invites expressions of interest for the provision of a solution for the personalisation, maintenance and support of driving licence cards production capability.
Tender no: DLCA/EOI/2021/01
Information: Kganki Kekana, Tel: (012) 347 2522, E-mail: tenders@dlca.gov.za.
Closing date: 9 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Hardware, Smart cards
Request for information
Airports Company of South Africa
ACSA invites information for the provision of a selfconnect platform.
Tender no: COR6630/2021/RFI
Information:Portia Motsieloa, Tel: (011) 723 2798, E-mail: Portia.Motsieloa@airports.co.za.
Closing date: 13 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Internet
Mhlontlo Local Municipality
The municipality requires a cementry management system for a period of three years (2021-2024).
Tender no: CORP/CMS/2020-21MHLM
Information:A Gqweta, Tel: (047) 553 7000, E-mail: xmpantane@mhlontlolm.gov.za.
Closing date: 30 Jul 2021
Tags: Software
Information on telephone and internet connectivity infrastructure is also sought.
Tender no: CORP/UPGTE/2020-21MHLM
Information: A Gqweta, Tel: (047) 553 7000, E-mail: xmpantane@mhlontlolm.gov.za.
Closing date: 8 Jul 2021
Tags: Telecommunications, Hardware, Telephony, Voice, Internet
The utility requests information on customer data enrichment.
Tender no: E/SR3902LD
Information: Safeeyah Richards, Tel: (021) 980 3370, E-mail: Dhansas@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 20 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Customer relationship management, Business Intelligence, Data
Eskom also requires information on the availability/capability of supplying a DGSL.
Tender no: KZN0121/DR
Information: Danny Rajkumar, Tel: (031) 710 5735, E-mail: Danny.Rajkumar@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 14 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Services
Transnet SOC Ltd
Information is required to enable Transnet to gather information on the supplier landscape for embedded computers and determine the indicative costing of the supply of devices that meet the specifications listed in section 4. In order for Transnet to draft the scope of work/specification.
Tender no: TE21-KLP-8DV-02782
Information: Siphokazi Mgubasi, Tel: (012) 391 1495, E-mail: Siphokazi.Mgubasi@transnet.net.
Closing date: 20 Jul 2021
Tags: Hardware, Computing
Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa
The bank is looking for information on the implementation of an online e-recruitment platform.
Tender no: T01/01/21
Information: Themendran Pillay, Tel: (011) 686 0811, E-mail: tpillay@landbank.co.za.
Closing date: 6 Jul 2021
Tags: Software, Internet, Recruitment. e-Recruitment
City Power
Maintenance of smart meters.
Tender no: 2412S
Supply, delivery and installation of an uninterrupted power supply system for ICT Cyber Security Lab.
Tender no: CORP NO: 5260
Oudtshoorn Municipality
Renewal of Marshal and software licences.
Tender no: RFQ 01/01/2020
Successful bidder: Aves Cyber Security
Value: R191 631
Appointment of service provider to conduct the selection for the vacant position of director: technical services.
Tender no: RFQ 01/08/2020
Successful bidder: Work Dynamics
Value: Not disclosed
Renewal of firewall support and backup software licences.
Tender no: RFQ 02/01/2020
Successful bidder: First Technology
Value: R69 117
Upgrade of virtual meeting software.
Tender no: RFQ 03/01/2020
Successful bidder: First Technology Western Cape Pty Ltd
Value: R151 796
Mining Qualifications Authority
The appointment of a service provider to develop and implement an interactive website for the Mining Qualifications Authority.
Tender no: MQA/03/20-21
Successful bidder: MFactory (Pty) Ltd
Value: R1 416 000
Department of Transport
The department is looking for a service provider for the maintenance of its electronic security system for a period of 15 months.
Tender no: SCM/03/2020/COO
Successful bidder: Access Cards Solutions cc
Value: R390 000