
ICT Tenders: Down to nuts and bolts

Kimberly Guest
By Kimberly Guest, ITWeb contributor
Johannesburg, 10 Jul 2018

Last week's busy National Tender Bulletin returns to a more sedate pace, with hardware requirements coming to the fore. Many of these hardware-related advertisements target the networking and telecoms environments.

Software also makes an appearance in the latest edition, with three new tenders, as does news of a R160 million award for software development. Services and calls for printing still feature on government's wish lists.

New tenders

Department of Health, Eastern Cape
The provincial Health Department wishes to commission a picture archiving and communication system (PACS), as well as a radiology information system (RIS) for its facilities.
Non-compulsory briefing: 17 July
Tender no: SCMU3- 18/ 19-0090- HO
Information: M. Magula, Tel: (040) 608 9666, Email:
Closing date: 21 August 2018
Tags: Software, systems

Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
The department wishes to appoint a service provider for the leasing, installation and maintenance of an effective and reliable PABX system (telephone management system and switchboard) at the Sasolburg office, for a period of 36 months.
Compulsory briefing: 13 July
Tender no: SASOL- TEL- FS-0001(2018/ 2019)
Information: Technical: Keneilwe Kethupile, Tel: (051) 400 4200, Email: General: Palesa Lethola or Gladman Matshe, Tel: (051) 400 4200, Email: or
Closing date: 27 July 2018
Tags: Telecommunications, hardware

Gauteng Growth and Development Agency
A service provider is sought for the supply and installation of multifunction printers, including a 36-month maintenance and service contract.
Compulsory briefing: 20 July
Tender no: GGDA/ 05/ 2018-19/ ICT_MFP
Information: Technical: Nathi Mchunu, Tel: (011) 085 2470, Email: General: Kgalaletso Sennanye, Tel: (011) 085 2438, Email:
Closing date: 6 August 2018
Tags: Hardware, printing, services, support and maintenance

National Research Foundation
The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory is advertising for the supply, delivery, installation and support of, and training on, an active hydrogen maser for/at the Ghana Radio Astronomy Observatory.
Tender no: NRF SARAO S2SC001 2018
Information: Technical: Salvatore Gioio, Tel: (021) 506 7300, Email: General: Rayyan Arnold, Tel: (021) 506 7300, Fax: (021) 506 7375, Email:
Closing date: 31 July 2018
Tags: Hardware, services, training

Road Accident Fund
The RAF invites suitably experienced service providers to supply and install Enterprise Network (C3) Switches, with five years' warranty and maintenance.
Note: No telephonic queries will be entertained. All queries must be directed via email and will be attended to as per the information stated in the bid document.
Non-compulsory briefing: 17 July
Tender no: RAF/ 2018/ 00033
Information: Jonathan Matjila, Tel: (012) 621 1962, Email:
Closing date: 2 August 2018
Tags: Hardware, telecoms, networking, services, support and maintenance

The RAF also invites an experienced and suitable service provider to upgrade, maintain and support the network traffic manager for a period of three years.
Note: No telephonic queries will be entertained. All queries must be directed via email and will be attended to as per the information stated in the bid document.
Compulsory briefing: 11 July
Tender no: RAF/ 2018/ 00032
Information: Andile Shabalala, Tel: (012) 649 2019, Email:
Closing date: 8 August 2018
Tags: Software, telecoms, networking

The Social Housing Regulatory Authority
The authority is looking for a service provider to supply, install and migrate the existing server infrastructure to a virtual environment.
Tender no: SHRA/ RFB/ ADMIN/04/ 201819
Information: Eunice Mampheu, Email:
Closing date: 27 July 2018
Tags: Hardware, services, servers, cloud computing, virtual computing

Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa
USAASA is advertising for the provision of Internet connectivity for a period of 36 months.
Compulsory briefing: 16 July
Tender no: USAASA- INTERNET CONNEC/ 05/2018
Information: Kganki Kekana or Lydia Maleka, Tel: (011) 564 1621/1637, Email: or
Closing date: 3 August 2018
Tags: Telecoms, Internet

Government Printing Works
GPW requires the manufacturing, supply and commissioning of a data enrolment system and booklet personalisation solution for passport production.
Note: A non-refundable payment of R100 is payable at the Government Printing Works Cashiers, 149 Bosman Street, Pretoria, before collecting the bid document at room 17. The receipt or proof of payment must be attached in the bid document when submitted on closing date.
Tender no: GPW- M 363
Information: Technical: T Khumalo, Tel: (012) 748 6329, Email: General: S. Rizvi or A. Du Toit, Tel: (012) 748 6380/6292, Email: or
Closing date: 6 August 2018
Tags: Software, printing

Council for Medical Schemes
The council wishes to appoint a service provider for the provision of a business continuity and disaster recovery site for a period of five years.
Non-compulsory briefing: 13 July
Tender no: CMS012018/ 19

Information: Technical: Joseph Nong, Tel: (012) 431 0567, Email: General: Mpho Mmethi, Tel: (012) 431 0443, Email:
Closing date: 30 July 2018
Tags: Business continuity

Financial Services Board
The FSB is advertising for network (switches) infrastructure hardware (technology refresh).
Non-compulsory briefing: 17 July
Tender no: FSCA2018/ 19-T004
Information: Georgina Serumula, Tel: (012) 422 2855/2925, Email:
Closing date: 7 August 2018
Tags: Hardware, networking

South African Local Government Association
SALGA requests proposals for the appointment of a service provider to render services for the development of implementation guidelines (commercialisation plans) on the roll-out of a fifth utility (broadband infrastructure and services) in local government.
Tender no: SALGA/ 67/ 2018
Information: S. Dlamini, Tel: (012) 369 8000, Fax: (012) 369 8001, Email:
Closing date: 3 August 2018
Tags: Consulting, telecoms, broadband


Request for tender for the provision of a toll traffic monitoring service.

Tender no: NRA 53000/2017/ TOLL
Successful bidder: Schedule A - Mikros Traffic Monitoring (PTY) Ltd
Value: R48 939 953
Successful bidder: Schedule B - Mikros Traffic Monitoring (PTY) Ltd
Value: R47 208 072

Request for tender for software programming services.
Tender no: NRA 57000/2018/ 1R
Successful bidder: Xtreme Intelligence Systems (Pty) Ltd
Value: R158 723 657
