The Constitutional Court has provided clarity on the validity of the 2017 Preferential Procurement Regulations in its latest judgement in the long-standing legal battle between Afribusiness and the finance minister.
This latest judgement effectively means the regulations will still be in play until 15 February 2023.
Earlier this year, the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) delivered its majority ruling upholding the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) decision that the promulgation of the preferential procurement regulations was unlawful and therefore invalid.
This decision, however, resulted in uncertainty in the sphere of public sector procurement, as the ConCourt did not speak to the SCA’s 12-month suspension of the invalidity of the regulations.
As a result, National Treasury issued an advisory recommending that organs of state put tender processes on hold, or apply for exemptions from the finance minister.
The ConCourt ruling notes the SCA’s suspension countdown was immediately halted when the finance minister lodged his application for leave to appeal in the country’s highest court. This countdown resumed, however, the day the court delivered its judgement dismissing the appeal.
In response, National Treasury this week stated the 2017 regulations are still valid in their entirety and will remain in place until 15 February 2023 unless new regulations are promulgated before that date.
It also warned the public sector that all exemptions granted to deal with the period of uncertainty had now lapsed in accordance with the conditions in the letters of exemptions.
This means all new requests for quotations or tenders must be advertised and dealt with in line with the 2017 regulations. Quotations requested or tenders advertised before the judgement must be dealt with in terms of the approved exemption and the organisation’s internal procurement policy.
“An organ of state may, however, decide to withdraw such a request for a quotation or an advert for a tender and request a new quotation or advertise a new tender that will be subject to 2017 regulations,” it said.
This development will be welcomed by both the public and private sectors as government purchasing activity can now return to normal.
In the meantime, the ICT sector sees interest increasing across the board. Software interest leads with 56 opportunities, followed by services with 54 tenders, hardware attracting 32 invitations and the telecommunications sector gaining two to 14.
New tenders
National Empowerment Fund
The fund is advertising for the development of a file plan and provision of a records management system.
Non-compulsory briefing: Date not disclosed – Microsoft Teams.
Tender no: NEF RFP 02/2022/23
Information: Supply Chain Management, Tel: (011) 305 8000, E-mail: tenders@nefcorp.co.za.
Closing date: 10 Jun 2022
Tags:Software, Services, Document management
Moses Kotane Institute
Supply and installation of networking is required in Mandeni, KwaZulu-Natal.
Tender no: MKIQ16/2022
Information: Gcino Lugayeni, Tel: (031) 266 1777, E-mail: gcino.lugayeni@moseskotane.com.
Closing date: 3 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware, Networking
Bids are also invited for the supply of IT hardware requirements.
Tender no: MKI11/2022
Information: Gcino Lugayeni, Tel: (031) 266 1777, E-mail: gcino.lugayeni@moseskotane.com.
Closing date: 9 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware
A service provider is sought to supply and install networking and security requirements.
Tender no: MKI10/2022
Information: Gcino Lugayeni, Tel: (031) 266 1777, E-mail: gcino.lugayeni@moseskotane.com.
Closing date: 9 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware, Networking, Security
IT hardware requirements are also required in Westville.
Tender no: MKI13/2022
Information: Gcino Lugayeni, Tel: (031) 266 1777, E-mail: gcino.lugayeni@moseskotane.com.
Closing date: 9 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware
Supply and installation of networking and security requirements are also sought for Westville.
Tender no: MKIQ12/2022
Information: Gcino Lugayeni, Tel: (031) 266 1777, E-mail: gcino.lugayeni@moseskotane.com.
Closing date: 9 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware
National Housing Finance Corporation Limited
Bids are invited for the provision of vulnerability assessment and penetrative test services.
Non-compulsory briefing: 6 Jun – Link.
Tender no: MM/01/2022
Information: Anda Mazibuko, Tel: (011) 644 9800; E-mail: Tenders02@nhfc.co.za.
Closing date: 20 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Security, Vulnerability, Penetration testing
The company is also advertising for enterprise content management solution services.
Non-compulsory briefing: 6 Jun – Link.
Tender no: NM/04/2022
Information: Anda Mazibuko, Tel: (011) 644 9800; E-mail: Tenders02@nhfc.co.za.
Closing date: 20 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Software, Content management
Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Local Municipality
The municipality wishes to appoint a service provider for the installation, supply and maintenance of a traffic contravention management system for a period of three years.
Tender no: COMM-B049/21/22
Information: Technical: W Dlamini, Tel: (039) 833 1038, E-mail: dlaminiw@ndz.gov.za. General: N Holiwe, Tel: (039) 833 1038.
Closing date: 16 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Services, Traffic management, Support and maintenance
Ndwedwe Local Municipality
Bids are invited for the supply, installation and commissioning of municipal broadband infrastructure.
Tender no: NDWP 91/21/22
Information: Sanele Mthembu, Tel: 060 584 5038, E-mail: sanele.mthembu@ndwedwe.gov.za.
Closing date: 9 Jun 2022
Tags: Telecommunications, Software, Services, Hardware, Broadband
Transport Education and Training Authority
The authority is looking for a qualified and/or accredited ICT service provider to provide integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) support and maintenance for TETA’s complete financial management business processes for the period of five years.
Compulsory briefing: 3 Jun – Microsoft Teams, Link.
Tender no: TETA22/COO/0006/ERP SUPPORT
Information: SCM Procurement Officer, Tel: (011) 577 7026, E-mail: tenders@teta.org.za.
Closing date: 21 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Software, Support and maintenance, ERP
TETA is also requesting proposals from a qualified and/or accredited ICT service provider to provide hosting infrastructure services for its information systems for a period of five years.
Compulsory briefing: 3 Jun – Microsoft Teams, Link.
Information: SCM Procurement Officer, Tel: (011) 577 7026, E-mail: tenders@teta.org.za.
Closing date: 21 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Managed services, Hosting
Phokwane Local Municipality
The Northern Cape region is advertising for an electricity prepaid vending system.
Tender no: PVS/E03/2022
Information: T Mmusi, Tel: (053) 474 9700, E-mail: modisa@phokwane.gov.za.
Closing date: 23 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware, Software, Prepaid, Vending, Electricity
City of Joburg Property Company (SOC) Ltd
The company requests proposals for the appointment of the service provider to supply, install, deliver and maintain telecommunication services for a period of three years.
Tender no: POP 07/2022
Information: Supply Chain Management Unit, Tel: (010) 219 9000, E-mail: tenders@jhbproperty.co.za.
Closing date: 17 Jun 2022
Tags: Telecommunications, Services, Support and maintenance
A suitable bidder is sought to supply 54 pre-used high-workload multi-functional printing machines with managed printing services and maintenance solution for a period of three years.
Tender no: POP 06/2022
Information: Supply Chain Management Unit, Tel: (010) 219 9000, E-mail: tenders@jhbproperty.co.za.
Closing date: 17 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware, Software, Printing, Services, Support and maintenance
Mossel Bay Municipality
The Western Cape municipality is advertising for the establishment of WiFi hotspots at various community centres in its municipal area.
Tender no: TDR315/2021/2022
Information: Prashan Kanjee, Tel: (044) 606 5000, E-mail: pkanjee@mosselbay.gov.za.
Closing date: 3 Jun 2022
Tags: Telecommunications, WFi, Internet, Hotspots, ISP
Supply and installation of a system is sought for deeds office searches.
Tender no: TDR321/2021/2022
Information: Jannie Fourie, Tel: (044) 606 5039, E-mail: jfourie@mosselbay.gov.za.
Closing date: 10 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Search
South African Civil Aviation Authority
The regulator is advertising for a panel of firms of internal auditors and forensic investigators.
Tender no: SACAA/PIAFI/00005/2022-2023
Information: Sambeso Mbande, Tel: (011) 545 1020, E-mail: mbandes@caa.co.za.
Closing date: 14 Jun2022
Tags: Services, Professional services, Security, Forensics
uThukela District Municipality
Bids are invited for the supply and installation of an access control system.
Compulsory briefing: 2 Jun
Tender no: 10/2022-FAC
Information: S Gcabashe, Tel: (036) 638 5100, E-mail: SGcabashe@uthukela.gov.za.
Closing date: 28 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware, Software, Access control, Biometrics
Ekurhuleni Water Care Company
ERWAT is re-advertising its tender for the appointment of a service provider to manage, monitor and report on its ethics hotline for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: ERW202202/TNDR-006
Information: Brenda Matlala, Tel: (011) 929 7000, E-mail: Brenda.Matlala@erwat.co.za.
Closing date: 17 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Services, Contact centre, Call centre
South African Broadcasting Corporation Limited
The SABC wishes to appoint a suitable service provider for the provision of an online recruitment platform for a period of 24 months.
Tender no: RFQ/HC/2022/58
Information: Vusi, Tel: (011) 714 4644, E-mail: Tenderqueries@sabc.co.za.
Closing date: 13 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, HR, Recruitment, Internet
The broadcaster is also advertising for the design, implementation, maintenance and support of its enterprise digital library for a period of 10 years.
Tender no: RFP/IT/2021/50
Information: Mametsi, Tel: (011) 714 4644, E-mail: Tenderqueries@sabc.co.za.
Closing date: 29 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Services, Library, Software development, Support and maintenance, Digital
A service provider is sought for the supply, installation, commissioning, training, handover and support of the MCR router replacement for a period of 10 years.
Compulsory briefing: Date not disclosed – Microsoft Teams.
Tender no: RFP/IT/2022/16
Information: Thandeka, Tel: (011) 714 4644, E-mail: Tenderqueries@sabc.co.za.
Closing date: 17 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware, Networking, Services, Training and eLearning, Support and maintenance
The SABC wishes to outsource its TV licences operations in terms of section 197 of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 for a period of five years.
Compulsory briefing: Date not disclosed – Microsoft Teams.
Tender no: RFP/TVL/2022/1
Information: Potcia, Tel: (011) 714 4644, E-mail: Tenderqueries@sabc.co.za.
Closing date: 10 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Outsourcing, Call centre, Contact centre
Johannesburg Water
The organisation is advertising for software maintenance and application support for its SAP - add on (Best) automated vendor reconciliation management system for a period of 36 months.
Compulsory briefing: 3 Jun
Tender no: JW IT 80/20R
Information: John Sangweni, Tel: (011) 688 6575, E-mail: john.sangweni@jwater.co.za.
Closing date: 28 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Services, Applications, Support and maintenance
Department of Health, KwaZulu-Natal
The provincial department is looking for the supply, delivery, implementation, training, support and maintenance of a cloud picture archiving and communication system/radiological information system (PACS/RIS) with voice dictation on a three year contract.
Tender no: ZNB 5686/2022-H
Information: N Mahlaba, Tel: (033) 815 8363, E-mail: Tenders@kznhealth.gov.za.
Closing date: 30 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Services, Cloud computing, Imaging, Communication, Voice, Support and maintenance
Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality
Bids are invited for the supply, installation and maintenance of wireless CCTV street surveillance network for a period of three years.
Tender no: 8/2/RNM0358
Information: Selwyn Naidoo, Tel: 082 418 2830, E-mail: selwyn.naidoo@rnm.gov.za.
Closing date: 6 Jun 2022
Tags: Telecommunications, CCTV, Hardware, Software, Services, Networking, Wireless, Support and maintenance, Security
Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environ Affairs, KwaZulu Natal
A service provider is sought to supply, configure, check. test and deliver Skype for Polycom virtual meeting rooms.
Tender no: Briefing Invitation 2022022308
Information: Nomusa Zuma, Tel: (033) 264 2579, E-mail: nomusa.zuma@kznedtea.gov.za.
Closing date: 13 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Virtual, Video conferencing
South African Special Risks Insurance Association
Bids are invited for the development, implementation, testing and support and maintenance of a POPIA compliance solution.
Tender no: RFP2022/21
Information: Tebogo Ledwaba, Tel: (011) 214 0800, E-mail: Procurement@sasria.co.za.
Closing date: 13 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Services, Compliance, Support and maintenance, Privacy, Software development, POPI Act, POPIA
Construction Industry Development Board
A service provider is sought to provide e-mail and SMS marketing solutions in order to drive targeted messages and campaigns to both external and internal stakeholders and to provide maintenance and support for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: CIDB/001/2223
Information: Sphiwe Mlangeni, Tel: (012) 482 7328, E-mail: Sphiwem@cidb.org.za.
Closing date: 15 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Services, Marketing, Direct marketing, E-mail, SMS, Telecommunications, Support and maintenance
Inxuba Yethemba Local Municipality
The Eastern Cape municipality is advertising for the supply, delivery, offloading, installation and maintenance of a telecommunication (VOIP) solution.
Tender no: IYM01/02/2022T
Information: Landela Mpotulo, Tel: (048) 801 5014, E-mail: lmpotulo@iym.gov.za.
Closing date: 3 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Hardware, Telecommunications, Services, VoIP, Support and maintenance
National Nuclear Regulator
The regulator wishes to appoint a service provider to provide multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) network and internet services for all its offices for a period of five years.
Non-compulsory briefing: 7 Jun – Virtual link to be published on the NNR website.
Tender no: NNRSCM-01-2022
Information: Sanelisiwe Mavundla or Lindiwe Nkosi, Tel: (012) 674 7100, E-mail: Smavundla@nnr.co.za.
Closing date: 17 Jun 2022
Tags: Telecommunications, Services, MPLS, Internet, ISP, Broadband
Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa
The Land Bank is looking for a wide area network and Internet service provider.
Tender no: T14/05/22
Information: Nikita Maharaj, Tel: (012) 686 0811, E-mail: NMaharaj@landbank.co.za.
Closing date: 13 Jun 2022
Tags: Telecommunications, Networking, WAN, Internet, ISP
Ubuhlebezwe Local Municipality
Supply, installation and configuration of boardroom voice recording and video conferencing equipment is sought.
Tender no: UBU-B-02/05/22
Information: P Luswazi, Tel: (039) 834 7700, E-mail: pluswazi@ubuhlebezwe.gov.za.
Closing date: 10 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware, Software, Voice, Video conferencing
Dawid Kruiper Local Municipality
The Northern Cape municipality is advertising for the supply, delivery and installation of biometric readers.
Tender no: TN015-2022
Information: Jean Marais, Tel: (054) 338 7059, E-mail: jean.marais@dkm.gov.za.
Closing date: 17 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Hardware, Security, Access control, Biometrics
Stellenbosch Municipality
A professional service provider is sought to secure services for the development, maintenance and support for the Development Housing Demand Database system and online portal for the Department of Housing Administration, division integrated human settlements and integration to the current housing demand database for the directorate of planning and economic development, for a period until 30 June 2025.
Compulsory briefing: 2 Jun – Microsoft Teams.
Tender no: BSM 30/22
Information: Rotanda Swartbooi, Tel: (021) 808 8757, E-mail: nona.swartbooi@stellenbosch.gov.za.
Closing date: 27 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Software development, Services, Professional services, Support and maintenance
The Western Cape municipality wishes to procure an integrated risk and internal audit software tool for the period 1 July 2022 until 30 June 2025.
Tender no: BSM 61/22
Information: Faiz Hoosain, Tel: (021) 808 8555, E-mail: faiz.hoosain@stellenbosch.gov.za.
Closing date: 27 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Security, Risk management, Auditing
Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors
IRBA wishes to appoint a service provider to manage its IT function, including rendering IT desktop support and server maintenance services for a period of five years.
Tender no: IRBA002/2022/RFT
Information: Simphiwe Ngcobo, Tel: (010) 496 0600, E-mail: sngcobo@irba.co.za.
Closing date: 20 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware, Services, Software, Outsourcing, Support and maintenance
uMgungundlovu District Municipality
A service provider is sought to provide support and maintenance services of Sage Evolution ERP (Pastel).
Compulsory briefing: 13 Jun
Tender no: 08/2022
Information: Linda Ngubane, Tel: (033) 897 6700, E-mail: linda.ngubane@umdm.gov.za.
Closing date: 30 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Services, ERP, Support and maintenance
George Municipality
The municipality wishes to appoint a service provider for the supply, installation, support and servicing of new photocopiers, as and when required, for a period of three years from date of appointment.
Tender no: MM005/2022
Information: S Jansen Van Vuuren, Tel: (044) 801 9147, E-mail: spjansenvanvuuren@george.gov.za.
Closing date: 14 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Services, Hardware, Support and maintenance, Printing, Imaging
State Information Technology Agency
Supply, implementation, support and licensing of software is sought to transform the South African Military Health Service (SAMHS), Health Informatics (HI) mainframe applications from a 3270 character-based interface into web-based GUI applications for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: RFB 2578_2022
Information: Procurement HelpDesk, Tel: (012) 482 2006, E-mail: mogau.sebothoma@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 10 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Software licensing, Applications, Services, Support and maintenance, Mainframe, Apps
The agency is also advertising for maintenance, enhancement and support, development and integration of the live capture system modules to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) for the period of 60 months.
Tender no: RFB 2557_2022
Information: Procurement HelpDesk, Tel: 080 074 8222, E-mail: tenders@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 13 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Software development, Services, Support and maintenance
Supply of school LAN services is sought for the Western Cape Education Department for a period of five years.
Compulsory briefing: 2 Jun
Tender no: RFB 2556_2022
Information: Yandiswa Citi, Tel: 040 608 6010, E-mail: yandiswa.citi@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 20 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Hardware, Services, Networking
Sentech Limited
The company wishes to appoint a service provider to provide IT audit services for a period of three years.
Tender no: SENT-003-2022-23
Information: Amukelani or Norman, Tel: (011) 471 4400, E-mail: TenderA@sentech.co.za.
Closing date: 21 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Professional services, Consulting, IT audit
Proposals are also invited for the supply of audio codecs for a period of three years with an optional extension of an additional two years.
Compulsory briefing: 9 Jun – Microsoft Teams.
Tender no: SENT-005-2022-23
Information: Amukelani or Norman, Tel: (011) 471 4400, E-mail: TenderA@sentech.co.za.
Closing date: 28 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Audio, Codecs
National Research Foundation
Bids are invited for the supply, delivery and installation of LTO-9 tape drives and media for existing IBM TS4500 tape library and warranty extension.
Tender no: NRF/SARAO SDP/09/2022-23
Information: Anwuli Okecha, Tel: (021) 506 7300, E-mail: anwuli@sarao.ac.za.
Closing date: 13 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware, Storage, Tape drives, Media
Bids are invited for expert technical services to provide optical fibre network design for fibre re-arrangement project.
Tender no: SARAO SKA 015 2022-23
Information: Sipho Ngunyule, Tel: (021) 506 7373, E-mail: sngunyule@sarao.ac.za.
Closing date: 7 Jun 2022
Tags: Telecommunications, Services, Professional services, Consulting, Fibre, Networking
KwaZulu-Natal Community Education and Training College
The college is looking for a suitable service provider to provide ICT equipment, furniture and mobile computer laboratories.
Compulsory briefing: 14 Jun
Tender no: KZNCETC 01/2022
Information: Nelisiwe Kumalo, Tel: (031) 305 4363, E-mail: NKumalo@kzn.cetc.edu.za.
Closing date: 13 Jul 2022
Tags: Hardware
A suitable service provider is sought to supply the college with 50 laptops.
Tender no: KZNCETC 03/2022
Information: Nelisiwe Kumalo, Tel: (031) 305 4363, E-mail: NKumalo@kzn.cetc.edu.za.
Closing date: 20 Jul 2022
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
Kagisano-Molopo Local Municipality
The municipality is also re-advertising for an ICT professional services provider to provide ICT goods and services for a period of 24 months.
Tender no: KMLM2022-019B
Information: T Tlholo, Tel: 078 403 0759, E-mail: tlholot@kmlm.gov.za.
Closing date: 21 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Professional services
Government Technical Advisory Centre
GTAC is advertising for 81 technical advisors for its intergovernmental relations (IGR) division to support in the implementation of the Municipal Finance Improvement Programme (MFIP) phase iiix.
Tender no: GTAC 015-2021-22
Information: Nolubabalo Tokwe, Tel: (012) 315 5867, E-mail: psp@gtac.gov.za.
Closing date: 10 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Professional services, Consulting
Department of Social Development
The national department wishes to appoint a service provider to render a hosted call centre service at Salvokop, Pretoria Central, for the gender-based violence command centre.
Compulsory briefing: 9 Jun
Tender no: SD01/2022
Information: Z Mantantana, Tel: (012) 312 7463, E-mail: ZolisaM@dsd.gov.za.
Closing date: 20 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Call centres, Contact centres, Hosting, Managed services
A service provider is sought for the procurement, implementation, configuration, maintenance and support of an application performance monitoring tool.
Tender no: SD02/2022
Information: Z Mantantana, Tel: (012) 312 7463, E-mail: ZolisaM@dsd.gov.za.
Closing date: 20 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Software, Application, Application performance management, APM, Support and maintenance
The department is also advertising for the procurement, implementation, configuration, maintenance and support of a convergence tool.
Tender no: SD03/2022
Information: Z Mantantana, Tel: (012) 312 7463, E-mail: ZolisaM@dsd.gov.za.
Closing date: 20 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Software, Application, Convergence, Support and maintenance
Central Energy Fund
The CEF wishes to appoint a service provider for the provision of enterprise architecture and business process management services over a period of 12 months.
Compulsory briefing: 6 Jun – Link.
Tender no: EAP/05/2022
Information: Mkhulu Skhosana, Tel: (010) 201 4793, E-mail: wellems@cefgroup.co.za.
Closing date: 24 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Software, Enterprise architecture, BPM, Business process management
Banking Sector Education and Training Authority
A suitably qualified provider is sought to supply, deliver and install a security information and event management solution (SIEM).
Tender no: BS/20222/RFB469
Information: Yolanda Mutheiwana, Tel: (011) 805 9661, E-mail: Yolandam@bankseta.org.za.
Closing date: 20 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Security, Security information and event management solution, SIEM
Swellendam Municipality
Bids are invited for the provision of a valuation roll management system for a five-year period.
Tender no: SMT51/21/22
Information: W. Bekker, Tel: (028) 514 8500, E-mail: wbekker@swellenmun.co.za.
Closing date: 24 Jun 2022
Tags: Software
Department of Mineral Resources
The national department wishes to appoint a service provider to provide off-site document storage facilities and to render document management services for a period of 60 months.
Tender no: DMRE/005/2022/23
Information: Samuel Msiza, Tel: (012) 406 7910, E-mail: Samuel.msiza@dmre.gov.za.
Closing date: 8 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Hardware, Services, Managed services, Document management
Central Karoo District Municipality
Proposals are invited for the provision of support and maintenance of the district’s IT equipment and systems for a three-year period.
Tender no: CKDM008 - 2021/2022
Information: Dormenia Swartz or Alicia Gouws, Tel: (023) 449 1051, E-mail: manager@skdm.co.za.
Closing date: 27 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Hardware, Services, Support and maintenance
EthekwiniMetropolitan Municipality
The metro requires renewal of Trend Micro Antivirus software for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: 1i-4501
Information: Technical: Ngibo Mpanza, Tel: (031) 311 1812, E-mail: ngibo.mpanza@durban.gov.za. General: Siphesihle Makhanya, Tel: (031) 322 7189, E-mail: siphesihle.makhanya@durban.gov.za.
Closing date: 17 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Software licensing, Security, Antivirus
National Lotteries Commission
The commission wishes to appoint a service provider to provide a digital transformation strategy and roadmap.
Tender no: NLC/2022-08
Information: Njabulo Mavuma, Tel: (012) 432 1302, E-mail: thobile@nlcsa.org.za.
Closing date: 20 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Professional services, Digital, Consulting
City of Cape Town
The city is advertising for maintenance of telecommunications facilities.
Non-compulsory briefing: 3 Jun – Link.
Tender no: 342S/2021/22
Information: Chris Mtatsi, Tel: (021) 400 9074, E-mail: Chris.Mtatsi@capetown.gov.za.
Closing date: 21 Jun 2022
Tags: Telecommunications, Services, Hardware, Software, Support and maintenance
Bids are also invited for the supply, support, maintenance of telecommunications network security infrastructure hardware, software, services and licences.
Tender no: 328S/2021/2022
Information: Yandisa Sizamo, Tel: (021) 400 6851, E-mail: yandisa.sizamo@capetown.gov.za.
Closing date: 9 Jun 2022
Tags: Telecommunications, Security, Services, Hardware, Software, Support and maintenance, Software licensing, Networking
Supply and installation of licences and maintenance of printer management solutions is also sought.
Non-compulsory briefing: 3 Jun – Link.
Tender no: 336G/2021/22
Information: Leandro Frantz, Tel: (021) 400 4834, E-mail: Leandro.Frantz@capetown.gov.za.
Closing date: 20 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Hardware, Software licensing, Printing, Services, Support and maintenance
iSimangaliso Wetland Park
The authority wishes to rent two photocopiers for a period of three years.
Tender no: 01/2022
Information: Bids Representative, Tel: (035) 590 1633, E-mail: bids@isimangaliso.com.
Closing date: 17 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Hardware, Imaging, Printing
Telephone and Internet services are also sought for a period of three years.
Tender no: 03/2022
Information: Bids Representative, Tel: (035) 590 1633, E-mail: bids@isimangaliso.com.
Closing date: 17 Jun 2022
Tags: Telecommunications, Telephony, Internet, Services, ISP, Voice
Bids are invited for the procurement of computer software for a period of three years.
Tender no: 02/2022
Information: Bids Representative, Tel: (035) 590 1633, E-mail: bids@isimangaliso.com.
Closing date: 17 Jun 2022
Tags: Software
The supply and delivery of two computer servers including three-year subscription is sought at Simmerpan, Germiston and Sunilaws in East London.
Tender no: MWP1384TX
Information: Simon Lamola, Tel: (011) 800 6278, E-mail: Lamolaks@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 30 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware, Servers
The utility is advertising for the provision of information hubs facilities and data management for socio-economic activities within Nkangala District and Tshwane Region 7.
Tender no: MPKUS10234PS
Information: Musa Shabalala, Tel: (013) 699 7061, E-mail: kusile723@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 9 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Hardware, Services, Data management
Eskom requires optical fibre training on an as and when required basis for a period of five years.
Tender no: MWP1239TX
Information: Godfrey Radzelani, Tel: (011) 871 3165, E-mail: RadzelGR@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 15 Jun 2022
Tags: Telecommunications, Fibre, Services, Training and eLearning
Proposals are invited for a cloud-based e-mail perimeter threat protection, e-mail archiving and e-mail journaling.
Non-compulsory briefing: Date not provided – Microsoft Teams.
Tender no: MWP1325CX
Information: Mbulelo Mncengani, Tel: (011) 800 2877, E-mail: MncengMS@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 14 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, E-mail, Security, Archiving, Cloud computing
Proposals are invited for cloud-based e-mail perimeter threat protection, e-mail archiving and e-mail journaling.
Tender no: MWP1325CX
Information: Mbulelo Mncengani, Tel: (011) 800 2877, E-mail: MncengMS@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 14 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, E-mail, Cloud computing, Security, Archiving
The utility is advertising for the maintenance and support for six iSee Stella licences for two years.
Tender no: MWP1352CX
Information: Violet Beetha, Tel: (011) 800 3012, E-mail: BeethaVM@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 15 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Software, Software licensing, Support and maintenance
Eskom requires MV90 application and communication device support.
Tender no: MWP1376CX
Information: Motlagae Mokoka, Tel: (011) 800 2165, E-mail: mokokam@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 29 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Software, Hardware, Support and maintenance
Data governance and management is required for a duration of six months.
Tender no: MWP1363CX
Information: Violet Beetha, Tel: (011) 800 3012, E-mail: BeethaVM@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 20 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Software, Hardware, Support and maintenance
Council for Geoscience
A service provider is sought to upgrade, support and maintain all of the council’s regional server infrastructure for a period of three years.
Tender no: CGS-2022-004A
Information: Asanda Nase, Tel: (012) 841 1537, E-mail: anase@geoscience.org.za.
Closing date: 30 Jun 2022
Tags: Hardware, Services, Server, Support and maintenance
Cape Town International Convention Centre
The ICC wishes to appoint an Internet service provider.
Tender no: CTICC 020/2022
Information: Nadia Barnard, Tel: (021) 410 5193, E-mail: nadiab@cticc.co.za.
Closing date: 7 Jun 2022
Tags: Telecommunications, Services, Internet, ISP
Airports Company of South Africa
ACSA wishes to acquire an integrated cloud e-mail security solution, licensing and support for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: COR6857/2022/RFP
Information: Sydney Mfeka, Tel: (011) 723 1483, E-mail: sydney.mfeka@airports.co.za.
Closing date: 3 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Services, Security, E-mail, Software licensing, Support and maintenance
Supply, installation, commissioning, support and maintenance of an intelligent integrated security platform is sought for a period of 60 months.
Non-compulsory briefing: Virtual, date not disclosed.
Tender no: COR6824/2022/RFP
Information: Patricia Nkambule, Tel: (011) 723 1533, E-mail: patricia.nkambule@airports.co.za.
Closing date: 7 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Services, Security, Support and maintenance
Bids are also invited for the provision of an AMS Suite solution for a period of 60 months.
Non-compulsory briefing: 24 May – Microsoft Teams.
Tender no: COR6868/2022/RFP
Information: Potso Makgatho, Tel: (011) 723 1529, E-mail: potso.makgatho@airports.co.za.
Closing date: 20 Jun 2022
Tags: Software
ACSA is looking for automated border control (ABC) e-gates and single-tokens for a period of 60 months.
Tender no: COR6871/2022/RFP
Information: Potso Makgatho, Tel: (011) 723 1529, E-mail: potso.makgatho@airports.co.za.
Closing date: 7 Jul 2022
Tags: Software, Hardware, Tokens, Automation
Request for information
Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo
The organisation is looking for information on implementing an integrated enterprise risk management solution.
Tender no: RFI/IERM
Information:Kenalemang Moseki, Tel: 083 725 2657, E-mail: kmoseki@jhbcityparks.com.
Closing date: 15 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Security, Risk management, ERM
Department of Public Works
The department requires information for immovable asset register (IAR) digitalisation.
Tender no: RFI22/001GS
Information: Phuti Mahlanya, Tel: (012) 406 1658, E-mail: phuti.mahlanya@dpw.gov.za.
Closing date: 7 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Digital, Asset register
Eskom wishes to determine technology options available in the market to enable the cyber forensic lab capability to do cyber/digital forensics, as well as associated indicative costing, timelines, processes, training and professional services. The technology modules need to include cloud-ready interfaces of technologies that is positioned off-premises as well.
Tender no: MWP1364CX
Information: Tamara Mda, Tel: (011) 800 3599, E-mail: MdaT@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 9 Jun 2022
Tags: Software, Security, Services, Cyber security, Forensics, Digital, Cloud computing, Training and eLearning, Professional services
Transnet SOC Ltd
Transnet is looking for information from service providers to undertake the provision of a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) for a period of three years.
Tender no: TCC/2022/05/0129/RFI
Information: Barbara Msomi, Tel: (011) 308 2108, E-mail: Barbara.Msomi@transnet.net.
Closing date: 9 Jun 2022
Tags: Services, Professional services, Security