It has now been five weeks since the last National Tender Bulletin was published due to technical “challenges” the Government Printing Works is still trying to resolve on its eGazette publishing system.
This has had a significant impact on National and Provincial government which are required to publish tenders with an expected value of over R500 000 in the National Tender Bulletin to ensure fair market access to high value tenders.
Nevertheless, these restrictions do not extend to the notices of awarded tenders. The public sector is choosing to publish its contract announcements on National Treasury's eTender portal. March is commonly the month when government looks to push through outstanding tender decisions as it prepares to close off its financial year.
Meanwhile, local government, authorities and state owned entities have taken advantage of lower restrictions on the advertisements of their tenders while also accessing the benefits of eTender portal.
As a result, the services and software sectors have many tenders to consider this week. Opportunities also exist for the hardware and telecommunications providers albeit at a far lower number.
New tenders
Atlantis Special Economic Zone SOC Ltd
The organisation is calling for a feasibility study on the use of information and communications technology services as an alternative revenue generation option.
Tender no: RFQ 14/2021
Information: Rayyan Arnold, Tel: 087 183 7010, E-mail: rayyan@atlantissez.co.za.
Closing date: 11 Mar 2021
Tags: Services, Consulting
Industrial Development Corporation
The IDC requests proposals for the supply, delivery, installation and maintenance of de-duplication disk base storage.
Tender no: T07/02/21
Information: Mmanthudi Mosupyoe, Tel: (011) 269 3709, E-mail: mmanthudim@idc.co.za.
Closing date: 17 Mar 2021
Tags: Hardware, Storage, Services, Support and maintenance
Abaqulusi Municipality
A panel of municipal financial support consultants are sought for the period of 36 months.
Tender no: 8/2/1/443
Information: CFO, E-mail: thanda.mhlongo@gmail.com.
Closing date: 26 Mar 2021
Tags: Services, Consulting
Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited
ACSA is advertising for the provision of enterprise applications managed services for a period of 60 months.
Non-compulsory briefing: 9 Mar - Companies to register by sending a request to Potso.Makgatho@airports.co.za before 8 March 2021 (16H00).
Tender no: CED 16/2020-2021
Information: Potso Makgatho, Tel: (011) 723 1529, E-mail: Potso.Makgatho@airports.co.za.
Closing date: 31 Mar 2021
Tags: Services, Software, Applications, Managed services
Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa
Prasa requires a managed enterprise IP-based connectivity solution and hosted PBX telephone services.
Non-compulsory briefing: 5 Mar - will be conducted via Microsoft Teams. Interested parties are encouraged to submit their e-mail addresses to: skubheka@prasa.com.
Tender no: HO/ICT/107/11/2020
Information: Siphiwe Kubheka, Tel: (012) 748 7086, E-mail: skubheka@prasa.com.
Closing date: 19 Mar 2021
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Telecommunications, Managed services, Telephony
The utility is calling for provision of PMDC (Portable Modular Data Centre) support and maintenance for a period of three years.
Tender no: Corp 5297
Information: Herman Mhlongo, Tel: (011) 516 7653, Fax: 086 608 4785, E-mail: mhlongh@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 18 Mar 2021
Tags: Hardware, Services, Data centre, Support and maintenance
Development Bank of Southern Africa
Bids are invited for the supply of a business continuity management solution.
Tender no: RFP049/2021
Information: David Nyaku, E-mail: davidn2@dbsa.org.
Closing date: 17 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, Business continuity
KZN Growth Fund Trust
The trust requests proposals for the provision of information technology, managed services.
Non-compulsory briefing: 12 Mar – MS Teams
Tender no: KGFT-RFP 2021-01
Information: Supply Chain Unit, Tel: (031) 372 3720, E-mail: accounts@kzngf.co.za. Closing date: 24 Mar 2021
Tags: Services, Managed services
Metrorail KZN
The supply, installation and configuration of audio-visual equipment is sought for the executive boardroom in the KZN region.
Tender no: CAP 20-21-103-1
Information: Johnson Zwane, Tel: (031) 813 0102, Fax: 086 218 07 06, E-mail: Jzwane@metrorail.co.za.
Closing date: 10 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, Hardware, Audio-visual
Independent Communication Authority of South Africa
ICASA is looking for a service provider to supply the authority with radio frequency monitoring equipment for the Square Kilometre Array area project on an 80/20 PPPFA 2000, Preferential Procurement Regulation: 2017.
Tender no: ICASA 28/2020
Information: J Molomo, Tel: (012) 568 3810, E-mail: jmolomo@icasa.org.za.
Closing date: 18 Mar 2021
Tags: Hardware, Software, Telecommunications, Frequency
The regulator is also looking for a risk and compliance management system with a maintenance and support agreement of five years on an 80/20 PPPFA 2000, Preferential Procurement Regulation: 2017.
Non-compulsory briefing: 9 Mar – Microsoft Teams: Indicate your intention to attend via e-mail: jmolomo@icasa.org.za by 8 March 2021.
Tender no: ICASA 24/2020
Information: J Molomo, Tel: (012) 568 3810, E-mail: jmolomo@icasa.org.za.
Closing date: 18 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, Compliance, Risk management
A service provider is sought for the provision of a multi-module IT-based compliance monitoring system on an 90/10 PPPFA 2000, Preferential Procurement Regulation: 2017. The bid is for a period of 3 years for system development and 3 years post development.
Compulsory briefing: 8 Mar – Microsoft Teams: E-mail: ssiziba@icasa.org.za for invite.
Tender no: ICASA 37/2020
Information: S Siziba, Tel: (012) 568 3629, E-mail: Ssiziba@icasa.org.za.
Closing date: 19 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, Compliance, Risk management
National Student Financial Aid Scheme
NSFAS invites bids to be part of a panel of forensic investigators on an as and when required basis for a period of three years.
Tender no: SCMN020/2020
Information: SCM Unit, Tel: (021) 763 3200, E-mail: scm@nsfas.org.za.
Closing date: 17 Mar 2021
Tags: Services, Security, Forensics, Consulting
Road Traffic Management Corporation
RTMC wishes to appoint a panel of service providers to provide network services for connectivity and replication links for a period of three years.
Tender no: RTMC BID 26/2020/21
Information: E-mail: bidadmin@rtmc.co.za.
Closing date: 12 Mar 2021
Tags: Telecommunications, Networking, Internet, Replication
The company is also advertising for the provision of an e-learning platform for a period of three years.
Compulsory briefing: 5 Mar – Microsoft Teams: Bidders are required to register for a compulsory virtual briefing session by submitting necessary information to bidadmin@rtmc.co.za.
Tender no: RTMC BID 24/2020/21
Information: E-mail: bidadmin@rtmc.co.za.
Closing date: 23 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, e-Learning
Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sports Education and Training Authority
The authority is looking for a suitably qualified service provider to supply, deliver, install, maintain and support new multifunction printers to all three CATHSSETA offices situated in Midrand (Johannesburg), Durban and Cape Town for a lease period of three years.
Tender no: CATHS/MPS/023/2021
Information: Tumelo Masiteng, E-mail: supplychain@cathsseta.org.za.
Closing date: 23 Mar 2021
Tags: Hardware, Printing, Services, Support and maintenance
The National School of Government
Hosting, maintenance and support is sought for the NSG e-learning platforms for a period of four years.
Tender no: NSG/BID/04/2020/2021
Information: A de Beer, E-mail: Annetha.debeer@thensg.gov.za.
Closing date: 19 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, e-Learning, Hosting, Services, Support and maintenance
Office of the Pension Funds Adjudicator
The adjudicator requires managed ICT security services.
Tender no: OPFA/ICT/012021
Information: Magadi Tshitannye, Tel: (012) 748 4048, E-mail: tenders@pfa.org.za.
Closing date: 23 Mar 2021
Tags: Services, Managed services, Security
National Student Financial Aid Scheme
NSFAS requires Fortigate Firewall maintenance for a period of two years.
Tender no: SCMN023/2020
Information: SCM, Tel: (021) 763 3200, E-mail: scm@nsfas.org.za.
Closing date: 9 Apr 2021
Tags: Services, Software, Security, Support and maintenance
Johannesburg Water
The department is looking for design, development and publishing of a business dashboard using Microsoft Power BI and provision of maintenance and support for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: JWIT 84/20R
Information: Lucky Hlatywayo, Tel: (011) 688 1790, E-mail: lucky.hlatywayo@jwater.co.za.
Closing date: 29 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, Software development, Business intelligence, Services, Support and maintenance
The authority wishes to appoint a service provider for the development of its business process re-engineering project for six months.
Tender no: MICT /SETA/BPR/008/2020
Information: SCM, Tel: (011) 207 2600, E-mail: bidqueries@mict.org.za.
Closing date: 19 Mar 2021
Tags: Services, Consulting, Business Process optimisation
Mine Health and Safety Council
A suitably qualified service provider is sought to upgrade, redesign Sharepoint and provide support for a period of 24 months.
Tender no: MHSC026/2020-21
Information: Stephen, Tel: (011) 656 1797, E-mail: tenders@mhsc.org.za.
Closing date: 30 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
National Home Builders Registration Council
The council is looking for a suitable service provider for the supply, implementation, maintenance and support for the unified communications and network for a period of five years.
Tender no: NHBRC 15/2020
Information: Paballo Relela or Bernard Kekana, Tel: (011) 317 0144/0114, E-mail: Tenders@nhbrc.org.za.
Closing date: 19 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Unified communications, Telecommunications
Financial Intelligence Centre
The FIC requests proposals from service providers for the development and configuration of an intelligence analytics (business intelligence and analytics) solution.
Non-compulsory briefing: 10 Mar - Microsoft Teams: Bidders are required to confirm attendance by 8 March 2021 to luschen.pillay@fic.gov.za to be invited to the meeting.
Tender no: FIC/RFB/INTELANA2/1/08/2020/21
Information: Luschen Pillay, Tel: (012) 641 6000, E-mail: tenders@fic.gov.za.
Closing date: 19 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, Business intelligence, Analytics
The FIC requests proposals from service providers for the development and configuration of an intelligence analytics (common data platform) solution.
Non-compulsory briefing: 10 Mar - Microsoft Teams: Bidders are required to confirm attendance by 8 March 2021 to luschen.pillay@fic.gov.za to be invited to the meeting.
Tender no: FIC/RFB/INTELANA1/1/07/2020/21
Information: Luschen Pillay, Tel: (012) 641 6000, E-mail: tenders@fic.gov.za.
Closing date: 19 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, Business intelligence, Analytics
Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
Cancelled appointment of a panel of service providers for improvement of municipal records system in selected municipalities for a period of 18 months.
Tender no: COGTA T07/2020
African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation SOC Ltd
Appointment of a suitably qualified service provider to provide remote Value Added Reseller (VAR) delivered SAP support services to the AEMFC SAP ERP system in three modules FICO, MM and PM for a period of five years from date of contract award
Tender no: AE/002/2020
The provision of Enterprise Digital Assistant (EDA) Care, maintenance and repairs various EDA accessories (batteries, battery covers, cigarette lighter chargers, screen, touchpad, keypad, antenna & styluses) on an “as and when” required basis.
Tender no: LP0015VS (C)
Air Traffic & Navigation Services SOC Ltd
Appointment of a service provider for digital airfield information display (DAID) replacement project.
Tender no: ATNS/RFP051/FY19.20 DAID REPLACEMENT/14022020
Senqu Municipality
Provision of an enterprise resource planning solution to Senqu Municipality.
Tender no: 207/2020-2021T
South African Social Security Agency
SASSA invites potential service providers to offer Oracle hardware maintenance and support for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: SASSA- 15- 20- ICT- HO
University of Limpopo
The supply and delivery of online learning devices and accessories for students.
Tender no: UL2021/01/02
Request for Information (RFI) SANReN Cape Town Metro Dark Fibre Network Solution
Tender no: CSIR RFI 7026/05/02/2021
Department of Employment and Labour
Cloud hosting Sap S4HANA roadmap landscape.
Tender no: LAB 10/2019
Successful bidder: Tech Mahindra South Africa
Value: Not disclosed
Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
Provision of IPTN project management services for the period of three years
Tender no: MMM/BID: 560 :2019/2020
Successful bidder: Glad Africa Consulting
Value: Various rates
Mining Qualifications Authority
Appointment of a service provider to provide Microsoft Office 365 (cloud solution) E5 Licences and Microsoft Exchange 2010 mailboxes to the cloud solution for the MQA
Tender no: MQA/02/20-21
Successful bidder: Adapt IT
Value: R1 314 094
Provide an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for 36 months inclusive of licensing, installation, configuration, integration, support, project management and maintenance, with an option to further extend for 24 months.
Tender no: AGRISETA/01/2020
Successful bidder: Phuthumani IT Solution (Pty) Ltd
Value: R14 432 220
Financial and Fiscal Commission
ICT services for three years.
Tender no: FFC-10-09-2020
Successful bidder: Afrocentric IP
Value: Not disclosed
Department of Home Affairs
Appointment of a service provider for the provision of a learner and learner management system as well as a platform for virtual classroom for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: DHA12-2020
Successful bidder: Tutor t/a Media Works
Value: Not disclosed
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
Appointment of consultants to execute and implement the ITA of the auction of the radio frequency spectrum on the following International Mobile Telecommunications(IMT) spectrum bands: IMT 700, IMT 800, IMT 2600, IMT 3500.
Tender no: ICASA 12/2020
Successful bidder: Nera Consortium
Value: R7 504 000
An enabling agreement for design, supply, delivery, installation, commissioning, training, support and repairs of operational technology (OT) voice on an as-and-when-required basis for a period of five years.
Tender no: CORP4881
Successful bidder: Storage Technology Services (Pty) Ltd T/A Nexio
Value: Task Order Based
Public Service Education and Training Authority
Terms of reference for the procurement and implementation of an ICT and security infrastructure at Hillcrest Office Park, Lynnwood.
Tender no: ICT02/PSETA/10-2020
Successful bidder: Nine IT Systems
Value: R2 989 143
National Research Foundation
Design, supply, configuration and installation of a next generation enterprise firewall solution, including hardware, training, licensing and support for a period of five years.
Tender no: NRF/SARAO SNET/18/2020-21
Successful bidder: Datacentrix (Pty) Ltd
Value: R3 987 148
City of Cape Town
Supply and support for the telecommunications infrastructure management system.
Tender no: 76S/2020/21
Successful bidder: XON Systems (Pty) Ltd
Value: Not disclosed
Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority
Request for proposals for the appointment of a service provider who will provide wide area network (WAN) services (inclusive of a secure, cost-effective and highly available multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) network and internet services.
Tender no: LGSETA/INFRAWAN/20/18
Successful bidder: VOX Telecommunications (PTY) LTD
Value: Not disclosed
Department of Public works
Appointment of a service provider to supply and implement an ICT systems data backup and recovery solution with maintenance and support for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: HP20/001GS
Successful bidder: TT HR Advisory Services
Value: R24 993 463
Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority
Appointment of a service provider to develop, enhance and customise as well maintain & support a management information system (MIS) to the INSETA for a period of 12 months from date of appointment.
Tender no: PROJ/2020/21/03
Successful bidder: Qualitative Innovative Solutions (Pty) Ltd
Value: R1 556 345