Liquid Telecom SA, part of pan-African telecoms group Liquid Telecom, has handed over ICT equipment to the Batlhalerwa Secondary School in Limpopo.
The move is a partnership with the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) to improve the digital skills and literacy of learners and teachers at the school.
DCDT minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams comments: “As we drive societal digital transformation, access to ICT infrastructure and training forms a basic tenet of our digital inclusion imperative. The department therefore continues to partner with industry stakeholders to provide Cyberlabs that are equipped with devices, both at schools and community centres.”
The minister, including other government officials, has been vocal in stating that training the future workforce will require collaboration between government and various role-players.
Through her department, Ndabeni-Abrahams has committed to “building a capable 4IR army”, to ensure the future workforce is ready in the advent of the fourth industrial revolution.
Liquid Telecom SA CEO Reshaad Sha says: “We believe that to truly prepare young South Africans for the digital revolution, they need to be empowered with devices that will develop and strengthen their ICT skills, as well as training that ensures these skills are nurtured to prepare them for the future digital workplace.”
Internet impact
Meanwhile, DCDT deputy minister Pinky Kekana is leading the South African delegation attending the 14 annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), in Germany, this week.
In a statement, the ministry says the forum, hosted by the German government, is a platform for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue on prevailing and emerging issues pertaining to the Internet governance ecosystem.
This year, the IGF’s programme focuses on three priority themes: data governance, digital inclusion, and security, safety, stability and resilience.
“South Africa’s objective in participating in the IGF is the promotion of the position that the governance of the Internet should be a multilateral, transparent and democratic process. South Africa will also seek to mobilise strategic partnerships to build Africa’s digital economy, and connect the unconnected for an inclusive global society.
“Additionally, the forum will focus on how digital frontier technologies bring benefits to economies and societies, and as well as how emerging challenges threaten to undermine the beneficial impact of the Internet,” reads the DCDT statement.