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Huawei’s new smartphone ecosystem on its Y7p

Huawei has just launched the HUAWEI Y7p. What makes this particular phone so significant is the fact that it will be the first phone in South Africa to run off Huawei’s new ecosystem, Huawei Mobile Services (HMS). HMS is one of only three smartphone ecosystems used globally, highlighting the company’s commitment to leading innovation in the tech sector.

Huawei’s move from the Google Mobile Services platform to creating its own ecosystem has led to a few misconceptions in the market regarding what this will mean to the Huawei user. Here are three key things to note about the HMS ecosystem.

1. It’s run off Android

Android lovers can rest assured the operating system they prefer on their smartphones is still the operating system that will be used for new Huawei phones that run off HMS. In fact, what many Androidphiles don’t know is that Huawei has historically made significant contributions to the development of the Android OS, from the basic code to the final process. Huawei has never just been a hardware business; software efficacy and user experience have always been central to its consumer products. For example, in the development of Android’s Linux kernel, Google contributed 3% while Huawei contributed 1.5%.

Huawei has also always optimised Android’s features for its latest EMUI updates, before Google adopted it for themselves. This includes performance optimisation of background app management by using AI, machine learning and intelligent resource scheduling; EROFS, which improves performance and compresses storage capacity; and Vulkan Graphics API, which provides high quality and high performance 3D graphics for apps.

Because Android is open source, these enhancements that Huawei has developed have obviously been available to the entire tech community, contributing to further innovation. Huawei remains committed to developing the Android OS, and all its future smartphones in the near future will run off Android.

2. It still has EMUI

Huawei lovers will be pleased to hear that all Huawei phones still feature EMUI as their user interface, so new Huawei smartphones with HMS will still look familiar. EMUI helps users get the most intuitive and seamless experience from their phones by enhancing performance

The HUAWEI Y7p will feature EMUI 9.1, which is one of the most recent versions of EMUI. EMUI 9.1 provides an immersive experience with innovative performance and system speed enhancements to help you lead an intelligent life. Now with EROFS, the random read speed of the HUAWEI Y7p will be 20% faster and the system space will provide extra personal storage of up to 1 000 pictures or 500 songs.

3. Users still have safe access to SA’s most popular apps

Apps have become a crucial element of our everyday lives, and it is hard to imagine a life without them. With HUAWEI AppGallery, which is Huawei’s official app store, the new HUAWEI Y7p still gives users access to all the apps South Africans need in their lives. Huawei users can get their favourite apps in three different ways:

  1. Phone Clone – Most of the most commonly used apps can be copied from your old device and your data will also be transferred.
  2. Native download – Users can download a number of apps directly from HUAWEI AppGallery.
  3. Quick apps and Web links – Quick apps are a new type of installation-free app, which consume very little memory space and data. Users can add their favourite quick apps to their mobile landing page for speedy and convenient access. These open directly in HUAWEI AppGallery or your browser.

Most importantly, HUAWEI AppGallery features a four-layer detection mechanism to ensure app security, as well as post-release app inspection and a mechanism for user feedback. Four-layer detection includes security vulnerability scanning; privacy check; malicious behaviour detection; and manual, real-name security check to ensure apps are secure during the entire process.

Visit the Huawei Online Store to get your Y7p:
