
HTC cleared of violating patent

By Nadine Arendse
Johannesburg, 01 Dec 2011

HTC cleared of violating patent

HTC, the largest seller of smartphones in the US, won a patent infringement case brought by FlashPoint Technology over digital camera features, Bloomberg reports.

The US International Trade Commission (ITC) backed a ruling from July that HTC did not violate two of FlashPoint's patents, rejecting the closely held licensing company's request to halt sales of some HTC phones. Notice of the decision was posted online, and the full opinion will be made public after both companies get a chance to redact confidential data.

FlashPoint, based in Peterborough, New Hampshire, had originally also named handset makers Nokia, Research In Motion and LG Electronics in its patent infringement complaint, PCWorld says. The other three companies, however, had arrived at settlements, according to the ITC.

"The Commission's determination validates our position that we respect protected innovations. We look forward to returning to doing what we do best: creating innovative mobile experiences and providing choice to consumers," HTC's general counsel, Grace Lei, said in a statement.

The case is one of several dozen patent complaints over smartphones filed globally as smartphone makers battle each other, using patents as weapons, and patent licensing companies seek a chunk of the lucrative market, Reuters notes.

The complaint was filed with the ITC last year.
