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How to implement the five Ps of customer service in the contact centre

The most successful companies in the world are not always those that have the best product, but those that offer impeccable customer service. That’s why today we are going to show you briefly how to implement the five Ps of customer service in the contact centre, so you can win new customers and retain current ones more easily.

What are the Ps?


This is important in two ways. First, you need a higher-order purpose for your organisation that is more than commercial. That purpose drives the identity of the company and this drives the behaviours of your leadership and staff.

Purpose is also fundamental to customer experience aspirations. As a leader, you have to believe deeply and show the belief that you consider the customer experience a priority.


You have to be prepared to make a long-term commitment and stand up directly for the higher-order purpose and your customer experience aspirations. Be repetitive and consistent in this.


Not only do you need the soft skills aspect of organising people around the purpose, but you also need to have strong operational capabilities. As a leader, you won’t have the ability to do it by yourself, so you must have a team with the right people around you. Effective customer experience operations mean that customer experience results are correlated, analysed, shared and propagated throughout the organisation and at all levels.


A customer experience platform should include business intelligence, customer feedback capture, data science including propensity modelling, social media analytics (unstructured data), operational data integration and alerts to drive preemptive customer contact. An integrated platform is critical to customer experience maturity.


Proactivity is the agility to take action and adopt changes to your business structure to ensure customer satisfaction.

Now, how to implement the five Ps of customer service in the contact centre?

Purpose and passion:

Sometimes it’s hard to put aside the mentality of earning more or increasing revenue and focus on providing good service. What you should know is that the latter leads to the former. Or, maybe you know it, but your contact centre team does not. Therefore, it is important to share the company’s mission with them so they internalise it and put it into practice.

Some of the methods you can use to make this happen are to train them and offer them rewards for their good service. For this, you can implement gamification tools that you configure according to your needs, the questions, the type of game and the prizes. This way, agents learn in a fun and motivating way.

You can also use satisfaction surveys as a result of the customer service provided by each agent, and convert it into a measurement statistic with recognition, either emotional, such as vacations and days off, or economic, such as bonuses and salary increases.

Speech analytics tools use AI to analyse conversations. Identify the sentiment of conversations and know the quality of your attention.


In addition to training people through games, as mentioned above, you must ensure that you have the right professionals in the right areas and that they have the expertise to meet the needs of certain customers.

That is to say, a systems engineer may be more fruitful in the customer service area that provides technical support than an agent with a commercial profile who may fit better in the telemarketing area.

To achieve this, you must ensure two things: first, to have an intelligent routing tool that leads the customer to the right area through a menu. The second is to organise staff schedules well and assign them to the right campaigns, taking into account their experience and demand peaks; this can be achieved with a fully automated WFM tool.


A scalable solution that adjusts to the demand of the moment, which charges for active agents and can be easily integrated into other types of complementary tools. Regardless of your installation: in the cloud, on-premises or hybrid. What matters is that it offers you a great benefit at a fair price. As it were, an ‘all in one‘ platform.


The best way to be proactive in a company is to work as a team towards the same goal. But to achieve this, you need good communication, something that is often lacking in companies, especially in those where the areas are so divided, and even more so if you work remotely.

So, how can you solve it? With collaboration tools, that is to say, with unified communication. Your agents, your support team, your financial team, your administrative team, all of them can have the same internal communication tool in which they can work collaboratively.

You may wonder how this would help to improve your customer’s experience. Well, by having unified communication, by video, call or chat, your agents will be able to put you in contact with other areas of the company from which they need to obtain information to attend to a specific case of a customer. They can even make video calls in real-time with customers.

This way, the response time to the customer will be faster, but even better, they will have an answer that truly solves their problems.

We invite you to analyse your company’s situation and implement the five Ps of customer service in the contact centre. You can also contact us and receive free personalised advice.


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