The Joburg Centre for Software Engineering (JCSE) in partnership with the Institute of Information Technology Professionals South Africa, are calling on ICT employers and practitioners to take part in the ninth edition of the ICT Skills Survey.
The 2018 edition of the survey, which is currently live, aims to collect and analyse data from the survey respondents to create a comprehensive report focusing on vital issues pertaining to the local ICT sector.
"The ICT Skills Survey gathers the latest information from its respondents on skills shortages and how skills evolve in SA's ICT environment. It also aims to provide insight on how skills are acquired and practised. The findings will be published in a detailed report that analyses the trends and issues affecting these critical contributors to socio-economic growth," says the JCSE.
The JCSE invites all practitioners of ICT skills in electronic media, information and communications technologies and electronics from the most junior to the most senior, to take part. Furthermore, input is also required from those working in the information and communications technology field, from student to CIO, from hacker to enterprise architect.
Last year's edition of the JCSE ICT Skills Survey revealed that despite a number of initiatives to bring technology into education, the education system continues to fail to generate a cohort of work-ready youth within the field of ICT.
Adrian Schofield, JCSE manager of applied research, explained at the time that the ICT skills shortage continues to constrain SA's capacity to increase economic activity and create jobs.
"The South African economy continues to be plagued by political issues and a high level of corruption that is diverting vital resources away from building a healthy and growing GDP."
To provide your input into issues within the ICT field, support the survey by completing either one or both questionnaires on the Survey Centre Web site.
All information will be held confidentially and used only for this research survey.
The cut-off date for responses is 15 July 2018.