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Hit-or-miss... Can your company sustain a gamble?

By SeeClear Consulting
Cape Town, 06 Sep 2017

Changing the perception of something that has been around almost as long as the mobile phone and approaching it an innovative manner can be difficult. However, companies can no longer consider telecom expense management (TEM) as a non-essential, bolt-on or just another operational expense. Goals and strategy need to evolve and by adding a properly managed TEM solution companies can leverage technology infrastructure and assets to grow their core business.

"Not all problems have a technological answer, but when they do, that is the more lasting solution." Andy Grove

Companies either own legacy telecom management system or have acquired TEM solutions promising deep savings on their current telecom environment. The challenge with these solutions is that it becomes a hit-or-miss implementation leaving the potential of the software well beyond reach. The key is that a TEM product needs to be accompanied with firm understanding and knowledge of the inner workings of telecom vendor-landscape. If not, the software itself becomes an impressive but redundant platform and loses all potential of business intelligence. Thus, going beyond TEM is the key to successful and improved technology decisions.

Since the appearance of TEM companies in 2002, it has been positioned as a software solution. Uploading inventory data in all its varieties, from third party integrated systems to invoice driven accounting based platforms, with a promise of cost-savings opportunities. There is nothing wrong with these platforms however, the transactional approach demoted to various event or usage reporting, has in some instances become a data storage tool. As with any tool, it needs to be used correctly to establish its value. TEM + Knowledge can indeed identify inefficiencies and achieve significant savings.

Ownership meets co-management

Ownership and poor visibility is often the demise of any TEM initiative. It needs a single owner and with IT (management/administration) and finance (cost saving/ROI) having inherently different goals, introducing innovation and ingenuity into a company's processes will yield tangible results.

Primary ownership needs to remain with IT and finance as its secondary owner. As a team, these two departments can utilise and apply the value of business intelligence. Ownership is key to a successful TEM program and by aligning goals between these departments, in partnership with your TEM provider, will ensure that the value does not fall through the cracks and savings remain unattainable.

"Currently, TEM is a tech issue with two traditional owners - IT and finance. Transforming this structure by introducing co-management we become actively involved on a daily basis. Therefore, efficient internal management matched with external hands-on expertise achieve optimal ROI." - SeeClear

Don't be misled into procuring a platform in the hope that it will automatically do what it is intended to do. Companies need knowledgeable people and expertise to support their internal departments and processes. Without this, their TEM investment ends up being redundant. Invest in a TEM company that will co-invest their time by ensuring that the promised savings and improved efficiencies are realised.

Unlock the power of TEM

It is time to consider your current TEM environment: platform, people, processes, and information. Let me:

* Assess your current environment by reviewing invoices and analysing your entire telecom environment for redundancies and deficiencies.
* Assess your technology, people, and processes. This includes ordering and provisioning, inventory, invoices, contracts, usage, and dispute and reporting processes, as well as the people who are responsible for these processes.
* Plan a strategy for change or TEM migration.
* Solve, implement and manage solutions that support transparency and value TEM provides.


Editorial contacts

Laura Coetzee