MWC25 Barcelona: Despite the mobile industry making significant strides and connecting nearly six billion people, questions of “what’s next and how it will evolve” remain.
So said outgoing GSM Association (GSMA) director-general Mats Granryd, who delivered his final keynote speech to kick-start Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona 2025.
Yesterday, MWC25 Barcelona, the world’s largest connectivity event, officially opened its doors, bringing together telecoms industry players, thought leaders, start-ups and policymakers.
They have gathered to spotlight key industry themes, including the role of 5G in accelerating digital transformation, and the increasing convergence of artificial intelligence (AI), advanced connectivity and sustainability.
Over the years, said Granryd, the industry has built the largest mobile network infrastructure, with six million towers and immeasurable kilometres of cable.
However, he drew attention to the industry’s need to complete the 5G journey, drive new revenue models, and harness the potential of AI and Open Gateway APIs, to ensure growth.
Zoning in on 5G, he said last year mobile operators hit two billion connections, making it the fastest uptake in mobile generation networks.
“Today, there are over 300 5G networks but only 61 of them have implemented 5G Standalone – we have to finish the job. If we do this, we can enable enterprises to add $4.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030 – which is a lot of money. If that is not a reason to invest, I don’t know what is.”
Granryd acknowledged that such a feat is easier said than done, with operators often struggling to get a return on that investment.
Revenue is not growing and the gap between capital expenditure and revenue continues to widen, posing a threat for the future, he stated.
“Research shows that our industry funds 85% of the infrastructure that drives mobile internet connectivity. This is something to be proud of because our networks are the foundation of digital economies. With all the growth of digital lifestyles, one would have thought that our revenue would grow as well, but that’s sadly not the case.
“Either we stop investing in mobile capital expenditure, with dire consequences, or revenue must start to increase. We need to look for opportunities like Open Gateway, which is opening up our networks in an API era and will unlock markets that don’t even exist today.”
Granryd also stressed the urgency of securing future spectrum access, as well as the challenges and opportunities of closing the global mobile usage gap.
“Our industry connects nearly six billion people, and powers economies worldwide. At MWC, over 50% of attendees come from outside the mobile ecosystem, a clear signal that industries recognise the vast opportunities our networks create.”
He stated that AI provides another opportunity, with research showing that generative AI could add up to $100 billion to the telecoms industry annually. “Data is the fuel that drives AI and as an industry, we have plenty of it. We are working smartly and responsibly to be the stewards of intelligence.”
He noted that operators have spent $500 billion on spectrum in the last 10 years. “We’re happy to invest, but the challenge comes when governments set high spectrum prices and create a risk that it won’t be sold and therefore a natural resource goes to waste.
“To keep investing in our networks, we need total clarity for the next five years and an understanding of the opportunity beyond that. Let’s ensure mobile gets the spectrum it needs, to deliver on the economic growth. Getting this right will benefit billions.”
He noted that 3.1 billion people are covered by mobile networks but are not using mobile internet. The reasons for the lack of use, he listed, are unaffordability, lack of digital skills, no access to relevant content, and concerns around safety and security.
“It’s a big challenge but also a big opportunity. When we close the usage gap, there is a $3.5 trillion economic opportunity that could be added to the global GDP by 2030.”
Granryd marked his final year of MWC director-general, passing the baton to Vivek Badrinath, who will take over from 1 April.
MWC Barcelona continues through to 6 March.