
Get a new Android app for your business – Codehesion makes it easy

Codehesion is South Africa’s premier Android and iOS app development company that makes it easy for businesses to build their own smartphone applications.

With a long list of successful Android and iOS app projects under its belt, Codehesion offers companies a streamlined process to get their own app in weeks.

Codehesion has built numerous successful smartphone apps in 2019, which include the Midstream Estate residents app and the SFX Money Transfer app.

The results were impressive. The Midstream Estate app was downloaded over 1 500 times within the first two days of launching and did not have any problems or bugs.

The SFX Money Transfer app was equally successful.

“Kudos to the Codehesion team in understanding customer centricity by ensuring that both performance and user experience goals were met,” said SFX Money Transfer COO Bradley Soll.

Free and easy consultation

To make it easy for companies to see how Codehesion can help them to build their own mobile app, it offers a free and easy consultation process.

Codehesion CEO Hector Beyers encouraged companies who are looking to build an Android or iOS app to contact them via their Web site.

For a risk-free consultation – contact Codehesion here.


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