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Future-proof your business with mWtech’s seven-step methodology for modernisation

Successful modernisation emerges from balancing core business functions with introducing modern technologies. This transition can be seamless with careful planning and an experienced technology partner.

Johannesburg, 08 Oct 2024
mWtech uses a structured approach to help businesses unlock their full potential.
mWtech uses a structured approach to help businesses unlock their full potential.

A mission-critical legacy system is not the same as a car, kitchen appliance or even basic software. Legacy systems worth their salt include years of technical improvements and vital assets such as data and processes. Attempts to bluntly replace them create ripples that negatively impact the business and push back the return on investment in new systems.

The rip-and-replace mindset also has a flaw: the new system will eventually become legacy, and the cycle repeats. There must be a better way – the mWtech way. The company uses a structured approach to help businesses unlock their full potential, leveraging industry-leading solutions from IBM and Software AG.

mWtech uses a structured approach to help businesses unlock their full potential.
mWtech uses a structured approach to help businesses unlock their full potential.

Seven steps to tackle legacy systems

Though essential to business operations, legacy systems often become expensive to maintain, insecure and incompatible with modern technologies. They represent high maintenance costs, security vulnerabilities and lack of scalability, and they are rigid and difficult to integrate. Moreover, companies that modernise their technology foundations realise 2.5 times better revenue growth and double their digital return on investment. (McKinsey)

There is no question that legacy systems shouldn't be left as is. The challenge lies in modernising these systems without causing business disruption or distress.

mWtech Methodology for Modernisation provides the answers: a proven, structured step-step methodology that ensures legacy systems modernise smoothly while minimising risks:

1. Assessment phase: This phase focuses on evaluating the legacy system's current state. The mWtech team analyses its architecture, identifies inefficiencies and reviews security risks. mWtech works closely with stakeholders to identify gaps and areas for improvement.

2. Strategic planning: In this phase, mWtech sets clear business objectives and identifies potential solutions, including risk analysis, to ensure system stability throughout the transition process. mWtech solutions include:

  • A full system rewrite for systems with outdated architectures.
  • API integration enabling the legacy system to interface with newer platforms.
  • Hybrid models that retain legacy elements alongside modern cloud or web-based technologies.

3. Solution design: mWtech designs the modernisation blueprint, integrating modern and legacy systems and outlining data migration. mWtech works with tools like IBM's WebSphere and Software AG's webMethods to create secure, scalable systems.

4. Implementation: The company takes an agile, phased implementation approach, allowing for gradual deployment to minimise disruption. During this phase, the legacy system continues to run in parallel to ensure business operations continue without interruption.

5. Deployment and monitoring: The systems are deployed in stages, using real-time monitoring to track performance and security, and automated tools to identify and deal with issues. Rollback mechanisms mitigate risks during deployment.

6. Post-deployment support: After deployment, mWtech provides full support to ensure the modernised system runs smoothly, including system documentation, staff training and ongoing updates. This phase includes continuous improvements based on user feedback.

7. Technology stack and security: mWtech partners with IBM and Software AG to ensure scalability and provide robust security measures, including data encryption and multifactor authentication. The company's solutions help businesses comply with data protection regulations and prevent potential cyber attacks.

mWtech has extensive experience in legacy system modernisation. The company works with industry leaders like IBM and Software AG to deliver secure, scalable, cost-effective solutions that help businesses thrive in the modern digital world.

mWtech uses a structured approach to help businesses unlock their full potential.
mWtech uses a structured approach to help businesses unlock their full potential.

The importance of legacy system modernisation

In today's fast-evolving digital landscape, organisations must modernise while maintaining mission-critical legacy systems. However, this narrative creates a false binary choice: stick to outdated and uncompetitive legacy systems or replace them entirely.

Modernising legacy systems offers a range of benefits, including cost reduction, improved security, scalability and enhanced agility in response to market changes. Organisations that can modernise their technology stacks reap substantial rewards.

Ready for modernisation?

With mWtech Methodology for Modernisation, you will future-proof your IT infrastructure, improve efficiency and position your business for long-term success. mWtech will realise your transition to modern technology while ensuring your core business operations continue without disruption.

Modernise today with mWtech and its Methodology for Modernisation.
