
From iPhone to BiPhone

Lezette Engelbrecht
By Lezette Engelbrecht, ITWeb online features editor
Johannesburg, 22 May 2009

From iPhone to BiPhone

With its large screen and simple navigation, the iPhone is well suited to delivering charts, graphs and other types of data visualisations, says Intelligent Enterprise.

It's no surprise, then, that several leading business intelligence (BI) software vendors - including Oracle, SAP BusinessObjects and Information Builders - have added the iPhone to their mobile device support lists.

The problem, says Santiago Becerra, chairman and co-founder of MeLLmo, which provides the new RoamBi mobile BI system, is that many of these solutions attempt to shrink reports designed for desktops onto tiny screens. RoamBi says it offers superior visualisation and navigation on the iPhone and an easy way to convert existing reports for mobile delivery.

Bridging the BI, ROI gap

A recent seminar held by Gartner research VP Andreas Bitterer, highlighted what he called the “great discrepancy'' between money spent on BI and the return on investment for companies, states AccountingWeb.

The current economic climate means this situation needs to be addressed more than ever, but before the divide can be crossed, firms should ensure they have a clear grasp of what BI means.

“Business Intelligence is the use of information that enables organisations to best decide, measure, manage, and optimise performance, to achieve efficiency of financial benefit", offered Bitterer.

Companies go green to save green

Information Builders, a provider of BI solutions, says leading organisations worldwide are leveraging WebFocus BI applications for better access to information to support environmental initiatives, including reducing paper and fuel consumption across their organisations, reports Market Wire.

Many corporate environmental initiatives have the dual benefit of fostering environmental responsibility while reducing costs. Information Builders customers Emory University, Hillman Group, van Wijk Logistics, and Pershing, have achieved both through the innovative use of WebFocus.

"The green movement has been embraced by corporate America and is driving innovative approaches to alternative power solutions, energy-efficient buildings, and paper reduction programmes," said Gerald Cohen, CEO and founder of Information Builders.
