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FoodServ resolves customer queries with Maximizer CRM

"From what we have seen so far, Maximizer CRM is definitely going to be a competitive advantage for us."

By JRB Solutions
Johannesburg, 26 Feb 2009

FoodServ Solutions, a company specialising in the manufacturing and import of stainless steel products, has implemented Maximizer CRM 10.5 in its service department to better manage customer queries as well as to track equipment and serial numbers.

Winston Kinnear, services logistics manager at FoodServ Solutions, says the company does the complete servicing, manufacturing and installation of catering equipment. FoodServ required a solution to track customer communications as well as time taken to respond and finalise service calls.

"The service centre receives more than 50 calls a day and many of these calls can be resolved telephonically without sending a technician to the actual site. However, previously the only tracking was done on service calls where a technician was required to go. Now we are able to track, monitor and report on both," says Kinnear.

FoodServ introduced a specific questionnaire for all service requests in order to increase telephonic resolution and reduce unnecessary technician visits. Both the questions and answers are recorded in Maximizer, in case there are any queries.

Sam Bell, CRM consultant and project manager at JRB Solutions, says Maximizer CRM provides FoodServ easy and quick access to all jobs, both outstanding and complete.

"Previously, their whole process flow was paper-based so any queries meant having to find the information in a filing cabinet. There were often delays with paperwork being filed too. Maximizer CRM gives them immediate access to jobs by customer, as well as intelligent and quick search functionality," she says.

Maximizer CRM allows FoodServ to track response times for call outs, which Bell says they were previously unable to do.

"There was an incredible amount of manual processes to keep track of job cards, invoicing paperwork and customer analysis reports to name a few. With information loaded directly on Maximizer, we are able to save time by using intelligent searches and custom reports with a few clicks of the mouse," says Bell.

Additionally, FoodServ required that Maximizer be directly integrated with their Syspro accounting system so that service executives are able to check the account status of customer and inform immediately on payment options.

Kinnear says the journey with Maximizer is only the beginning. "From what we have seen so far, Maximizer CRM is definitely going to be a competitive advantage for us. We are able to keep track of all our services queries electronically to ensure that all outstanding queries are resolved as soon as possible. We are definitely looking at expanding the use of the software to include our sales and marketing departments and to further explore the rich functionality of Maximizer CRM," he says.

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