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Fluke Networks OptiFiber Pro HDR OTDR brings Versiv efficiency to PON, OSP, data centre and other high dynamic range apps

Revolutionary Fluke Networks Versiv Platform user interface reduces cabling installation and maintenance costs by two-thirds.

Fluke Networks unveiled the OptiFiber Pro High Dynamic Range (HDR) Optical Time Domain Reflectometer, the first OTDR that fulfils contractors', installers' and network owners' demands for a single solution to deal with applications ranging from FTTx, PON and data centres to category-rated structured cabling.

Versiv users report its efficient and familiar interface cuts costs by 65% when testing, certifying and maintaining copper and fibre network installations.

The OptiFiber Pro HDR OTDR is designed to support the growing need for an OTDR able to test and document HDR applications supporting outside plant (OSP) back-haul and long-haul services, peer-to-peer (P2P), passive optical network (PON), and fibre-to-the-premises installations. Three new single-mode modules address 1 490nm, 1 625nm and combined 1 310nm/1 550nm, with a dynamic range of up to 42dB, allowing users to find more faults over longer distances.

"We've used Versiv for a long time and it has reduced our certification cost," according to Chuck Ziegler, Senior Project Manager at Fisk Electric, a Houston, Texas-based electrical, security and cabling contractor. "Now, we'll be able to apply that same efficiency to our outside plant and FTTx jobs."

OptiFiber Pro's award-winning interface is enhanced with a number of new features to support these applications, including automated identification of splitters and Expert-Manual mode, which allows users to optimise the instrument's performance by easily modifying automated settings chosen by the OTDR. This is in addition to groundbreaking features, including automated set-up, pinch-and-zoom analysis of traces and Event Map interpretation of results. "The Event Map easily identifies everything on the trunk; it's a real time-saver," adds Ziegler.

Fluke Networks' modular Versiv Platform is the basis of the OptiFiber Pro OTDR solution. All Versiv models work with LinkWare PC reporting software and the LinkWare Live cloud-connected certification service. With over 14 million results uploaded to date, LinkWare Live is the industry's leading solution for automated set-up and support of the certification devices and cabling projects. "Our Versiv platform and OptiFiber Pro Series OTDRs help to make novice installers into experts and makes experts faster," said Harley Lang III, RCDD, Director of Marketing for Fluke Networks. "For companies and organisations that install or own data communication networks, the OptiFiber Pro HDR OTDR is one certification tool they can count on to more efficiently and quickly install, test and certify a wide range of cabling installations."

Availability: The Fluke Networks OptiFiber Pro HDR OTDR is available for purchase from resellers worldwide, starting at $12 245 US MSRP and is also available for rent from select suppliers.


Fluke Networks

Fluke Networks is the worldwide leader in certification, troubleshooting and installation tools for professionals who install and maintain critical network cabling infrastructure. From installing the most advanced data centres to restoring service in the worst weather, Fluke Networks' combination of legendary reliability and unmatched performance ensure jobs are done efficiently. The company's flagship products include the innovative LinkWare Live, the world's leading cloud-connected cable certification solution with over 14 million results uploaded to date.


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Bitrate, in operation since 1999, has substantial experience in IT security, network monitoring, application performance monitoring, network troubleshooting and cable infrastructure certification.

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