
FlowCentric Technologies event: Competitive in a connected world

The company's recent Customer and Partner Event showcased how the FlowCentric Processware platform can improve business operations and deliver extended solutions such as Elidr: DSO.

FlowCentric Technologies recently hosted its annual Customer and Partner Event in Pretoria, Gauteng. The day was divided into three sessions in order to cater to the company’s diverse audience of developers, customers and innovators.

The morning session was aimed primarily at the company’s development community. Denis Bensch, the CIO at FlowCentric Technologies, opened the day by welcoming the guests and providing them with some background on what the company’s development team have been up to since the organisation’s last event.

“It often feels as if we spend our time working on functionality that our users will only need in five years,” joked Bensch in reference to the software’s technology roadmap.

Bensch explained that developing a product with the durability of FlowCentric Processware requires a lot of foresight and a little magic to remain relevant in the future.

“Business-critical applications are built on the FlowCentric Processware platform, so it is imperative that we consider how the development of our product will influence existing customers and what advantages it will offer businesses of the future,” he said.

He said the objective of the first session was to expose attendees to more elements of FlowCentric Processware and to inspire developers to create more with the product.

Guests were introduced to the Elidr: DSO solution, which was built entirely on the managed code version of FlowCentric Processware. The solution is hosted on Azure Cloud Services, and integrates with biometric and IOT devices. The demonstration highlighted the potential available to developers who are keen to create business solutions capable of addressing modern problems.

In addition to several practical examples of how to make maximum use of the product, attendees were reminded that since 2018, FlowCentric Processware can run on Microsoft SQL, Oracle or MySQL databases. Guests had a sneak peek of the updated user interface (UI) and were exposed to some of the alternative customisation and extensibility options available in the product’s Web Navigator UI.

The midday session, which was aimed at both business users and developers, revealed how different companies have utilised FlowCentric Processware to improve business operations, and showcased several complementary technologies that are ideal for companies interested in delivering extended solutions.

The company’s first guest speaker for the midday session was Adriaan Heijns, CEO of Eldir, who shared his journey from idea to product as a FlowCentric Technologies ISV Partner. Next up was Shawn Winterburn of OQLIS, who demonstrated the ease which data from FlowCentric Processware can be gathered and displayed with the OQLIS Data Analysis Software.

Clark Coetzee from DocuVision demonstrated how the integration between the DocuVision document management software and FlowCentric Processware can be applied in organisations that deal with large volumes of documentation.

Alfred Pawson, Information Technology Manager from Hernic Ferrochrome, emphasised how important it is that business doesn’t just see IT as a service provider, but rather, as an enabler of business. He believes that once business has grasped that concept, it becomes easier for IT to design systems that improve the entire company.

Pawson went on to explain how critical it is to find the right technology partners to help drive successful corporate digitisation initiatives.

“You need a business partner that grasps your business, that understands your needs, and that has the adaptability and scalability to adjust to your needs,” said Pawson in reference to his company’s relationship with FlowCentric Technologies.

After lunch Jarno Loubser of B2IT introduced the audience to the business intelligence and big data analytics platform, ThoughtSpot. The platform delivers a search and AI-driven analytics tool for modern enterprises.

Priaash Ramadeen, co-founder of The Awareness Company, explained how the organisation’s HYDRA software gathers data from people, sensors and systems, displaying the information in a way that delivers more context to users, allowing them to make more sense of disparate data.

Tshidiso Radinne, CEO of Raphta, shared a little on the challenges that facial recognition software has had in recognising dark-skinned people, and the enormous cost of the cameras traditionally required for Biometric Artificial Intelligence-based applications to work properly. During a quick demonstration, the team used a low-spec Web cam to accurately identify several audience members.

Concluding the midday session, Franco Megannon and Andries Haasbroek from MineRP demonstrated the award-winning Digital Twin Mine Management solution, which was built in conjunction with Sperosens and FlowCentric Technologies.

The theme for the event was #FlowCentricConnected: Competitive in a Connected World. The theme not only addressed the digitally connected world that we all live in, but also highlighted the importance of partnerships between technology companies, and between technologists and their customers.

Jacques Wessels, the CEO of FlowCentric Technologies, concluded the #FlowCentricConnected event by announcing the winners of the 2018-2019 FlowCentric Technologies Partner of the Year Awards.

The Best Newcomer of the Year Award went to element14, the Innovation Partner of the Year to MineRP, and the International Partner of the Year Award to AdvanceNet.

Wessels closed the event by stating that he believes business is all about partnerships, and encouraged attendees to take advantage of the knowledge available within the FlowCentric Technologies community.


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