
Facebook leaks user credentials

Admire Moyo
By Admire Moyo, ITWeb's news editor.
Johannesburg, 11 May 2011

Facebook leaks user credentials

Social networking giant Facebook has leaked access to millions of users' photographs, profiles and other personal information, because of a years-old bug that overrides individual privacy settings, researchers from Symantec said, reports The Register.

The flaw, which the researchers estimate has affected hundreds of thousands of applications, exposed user access tokens to advertisers and others.

The tokens serve as a spare set of keys that Facebook apps use to perform certain actions on behalf of the user, such as posting messages to a Facebook wall, or sending RSVP replies to invitations.

Google Chrome flaws exposed

Security researchers have unearthed serious vulnerabilities in Google Chrome, the search giant's eponymous browser, reveals

The researchers, based at security firm Vupen, released a video on their own Web site showing the vulnerability in operation.

Describing the code they created to exploit these vulnerabilities, Vupen said: “It bypasses all security features, is silent (no crash after executing the payload), relies on undisclosed (zero day) vulnerabilities discovered by Vupen and works on all Windows systems.”

UK recruits 100k Internet champions

More than 100 000 volunteers have promised to help a campaign to get more people on the Internet, writes the BBC.

Government digital champion Martha Lane Fox hopes they will “engage people with the joys of being on the Internet”.

It is part of the Race Online 2012 campaign, which is trying to get millions more people using computers by the end of next year - nine million people in the UK have never used the Internet. A range of cheap computers is being made available to further entice them.

Lady Gaga hits FarmVille

Online social game star Zynga yesterday said music from pop queen Lady Gaga will appear on FarmVille, according to AFP.

Cuts from Lady Gaga's upcoming “Born This Way” album will make their world debuts on her in-game “GagaVille” farm beginning 17 May.

“I want to celebrate and share 'Born This Way' with my little monsters in a special way that's never been done before,” Lady Gaga said. “Zynga has created a magical place in FarmVille where my fans can come play, and be the first to listen to the album.”
