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  • ERP users look to empower employees through pervasive computing

ERP users look to empower employees through pervasive computing

Johannesburg, 23 Nov 1999

South African organisations using enterprise resource planning (ERP) are looking to empower mobile employees through providing customer management solutions on pervasive, handheld devices.

That's the feedback from the largest ERP conference on the African continent, the SAP User Group's Saphila '99 event. At the conference and exhibition, attended by over 1 700 delegates, SAP Southern Africa demonstrated its Mobile Sales and Mobile Service offerings running on the HP Jornada, a Windows CE-based personal digital assistant (PDA), utilising SAP's Internet business solution,

"Customer relationship management (CRM) vendors need to provide companies with increased flexibility for managing their relationships with customers by providing employees access to the key integrated information and business processes they need - any time and anywhere, whether online, offline or in combination," comments Simon Carpenter, general manager: new dimension applications at SAP Southern Africa.

"At the exhibition, we demonstrated our ability to deliver CRM solutions through that empower mobile employees to integrate and utilise data with a range of hand held and portable devices - and it was extremely well received," says Carpenter.

He points out that in many companies today, at least 20 percent of employees work out of the office on a regular basis, according to Forrester Research Inc. Forrester estimates that 62 percent of employees in these companies will be working remotely by 2000.

Although only announced officially at SAP's Asian user group conference, SAPPHIRE Singapore recently, SAP already has customers implementing pervasive SAP CRM solutions to drive new business, gain tremendous efficiency and support new approaches to complete customer care.

The pervasive SAP CRM solutions give customers a highly flexible, easy-to-use, task-specific option that can be rapidly implemented, resulting in a lower total cost of ownership than with traditional hardware platforms. Supported devices include personal digital assistants such as Palm Pilot, information terminals such as Sharp Zarus, handheld PCs and smart phones. Supported operating systems include Windows CE and the PalmOS.

One of the first implementations of this solution is taking place at Wuerth Japan, a direct sales distributor of assembly and fastening technologies, and is due to go live by December this year. Because of its unique direct sales model, Wuerth Japan worked closely with SAP to provide access to its key business processes through handheld devices and software solutions as part of its strategy to drive current business as well as create new opportunities.

The pervasive SAP CRM solutions provide the Wuerth Japan sales team with real-time technology and Windows CE-based devices to sell merchandise out of its vans, conduct credit sales and use a Web-enabled client to deliver personalised sales and service to its customers. In addition, Wuerth Japan chose hosted applications, another key element of, to reduce costs and on-site maintenance.

"Our sales force is constantly on the go," said Satoshi Ueda, president of Wuerth Japan. "We needed solutions that would enable us not only to capture sales data, receive payments on site and provide customers with receipts, but to do availability checks and make delivery promises when the stock is not on hand. Our close work with SAP allows us to provide each team member with inexpensive and easy-to-use handheld devices to accomplish these goals and keep our customers coming back. In addition, we saw strong benefits in selecting hosted applications. Only the environment met all of our needs - handheld devices, hosted applications and quick implementation."

Carpenter says other examples of SAP customers using SAP CRM solutions on pervasive devices include a major consumer products manufacturer that equips its more than 25,000 retailers to enter orders remotely using Windows CE-based devices instead of staffing a manual inventory replenishment operation; a leading distributor of maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) supplies that uses Palm Pilots to do available-to-promise (ATP) checks; and an engineering and construction company that uses smart phones to better enable its service technicians to get to the customer, finish their repairs and report back on time spent and materials used.

SAP is now working with Microsoft to link Windows CE and other mobile devices to SAP business solutions through business process integration over the Internet via the BizTalk Framework. This joint project creates pervasive computing networks capable of delivering information to devices regardless of their location.

With the launch of, SAP provides an open collaborative business environment of personalised solutions on demand. SAP provides a standardised infrastructure that can support the hardware, middleware and connectivity requirements of pervasive solutions with the Internet-Business Framework, an overall integration framework and methodology designed to support all types of applications and technologies.

"As mobile devices evolve and customer needs change," comments Carpenter, so the Internet-Business Framework architecture allows companies not only to adapt the solution to fit new business needs, but to easily transfer their pervasive scenarios to new or different devices as they become available." He says the corporate data and business processes will remain stable during the adjustment because they are part of the broader environment.



SAP CRM Solutions on Pervasive Devices through SAP is delivering software solutions, such as the pervasive SAP CRM offerings, through business scenarios - one of the four key elements of Business scenarios are the one-step business solutions that integrate process functionality, industry-specific knowledge and the necessary services for users to collaborate and succeed in their particular business endeavor. SAP CRM business scenarios support the requirements of specific business or user roles, such as account manager, field service representative or Internet business partner. Pervasive SAP CRM business scenarios already being implemented or piloted by customers include these:

Field Sales, which allows real-time access to integrated customer information from all touch points, such as order history, product and pricing information Field Service, which enables receipt of service notifications, installation information and information from the solution database Internet Sales, which provides remote order entry, inventory replenishment, ability to promise, automatic billing and delivery for resellers Internet-Business Framework Enables Pervasive Solutions With the launch of, SAP provides an open collaborative business environment of personalised solutions on demand. SAP provides a standardised infrastructure that can support the hardware, middleware and connectivity requirements of pervasive solutions with the Internet-Business Framework, an overall integration framework and methodology designed to support all types of applications and technologies. This framework supports the requirements of today's extraordinarily heterogeneous and geographically dispersed enterprise solutions and enables SAP to provide portable, reusable applications that make use of standard application programming interfaces (APIs), standardised database protocols, middleware and development tools for solutions.

Furthermore, the Workplace provides users with a role-based, single point of entry that gives fast, easy and convenient access to everything they need, including SAP and non-SAP components, and all internal and external information and services.


SAP CRM solutions on pervasive devices are being implemented today by selected customers, with general availability scheduled for May 2000.


As the market leader of inter-enterprise software solutions, SAP is leveraging its strength in industry-focused business software and the world's largest enterprise software customer base to deliver provides an open collaborative business environment of personalized solutions on demand. This enables companies of all sizes and industries to fully engage their employees, customers and partners to capitalise upon the new Internet economy. allows people to harness the power of the Internet to work smarter, better and faster by optimising supply chains, managing strategic relationships, reducing time to market, sharing virtual information, and increasing productivity and shareholder value.

SAP is listed on several exchanges including the Frankfurt stock exchange and NYSE under the symbol "SAP." The SAP World Wide Web site can be found at

Editorial contacts

Nicola Knight
Ballard & King Communications
(011) 883 5013
Bruce Jones
SAP Africa
(011) 235 6000