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EnterpriseDB enriches Postgres user experience with new and updated tools

New features in EnterpriseDB's replication and failover utilities for Postgres boosts performance and flexibility.
EnterpriseDB releases to the open source community tools that address common challenges of Postgres database administrators

Bedford, MA, 03 Jun 2014

EnterpriseDB (EDB), the leading worldwide provider of enterprise-class Postgres products and Oracle database compatibility solutions, today announced the release of a series of tools that enhance the performance, flexibility and management of Postgres deployments. The releases include new versions of EDB Failover Manager and EDB xDB Replication Server that boost performance and give database administrators (DBAs) more flexibility in managing mission-critical deployments.

EnterpriseDB also developed and released to the open source PostgreSQL community two new utilities that solve problems database administrators could encounter with performance and potential database corruption. pg_hibernator preserves the performance gains of a warmed database cache following database restarts and pg_catcheck identifies catalogue meta-data that may be corrupt, preventing normal database maintenance and operations.

With an expanding network of over 2 500 customers worldwide and deep ties to the PostgreSQL community, EnterpriseDB is uniquely positioned to gather extensive end user feedback. Using that insight, EDB develops tools that help PostgreSQL users as well as EDB customers, especially large and global enterprises, manage more deployments with greater efficiency. The new releases were developed in direct response to customer input or feedback from the community at large.

"Tools are critical to ensuring organisations can successfully deploy Postgres and they comprise a large part of our development efforts," said Marc Linster, senior vice president of products and services at EnterpriseDB. "The needs of our customers guide our development priorities and we're able to respond very quickly with new features. And in some cases, we're able to share what we've built with the open source PostgreSQL community."

The new EDB product releases and features added are:

EDB xDB Replication Server 5.1, which features reduced latency for better performance, resulting in improved scalability for multi-master replication with increased throughput. The release also includes enhanced row level filtering and custom conflict handlers, giving DBAs greater flexibility in managing multi-master configurations.

EDB Failover Manager 1.1, which adds specific customer requests for new security and customisation capabilities. These include a JGroups authentication mechanism based on IP address to block unauthorised JGroups processes from accessing the database High Availability configuration. In addition, EFM 1.1 agents now run as operating system services, ensuring agents continue to monitor the cluster after a failover event occurs. This gives DBAs greater flexibility with enhanced cluster and replica promotion status.

The tools EDB developed and released to the open source community are:

pg_catcheck, which checks the integrity of system catalogue data when DBAs suspect database corruption may be present. The diagnostic tool verifies catalogue data, pinpointing errors that disrupt normal database use or maintenance and identifying areas for potential corrective measures.

pg_hibernator, which helps preserve database performance following the shutdown of a database. The tool does an automatic save and restore of the data that is in the database server's memory at the time of the shutdown. When the database fires back up, users no longer experience performance loss as applications re-populate the database cache with commonly used data.

Learn more about xDB Replication Server, Failover Manager and EnterpriseDB's entire suite of enterprise-class tools, which help DBAs manage, tune and secure Postgres deployments here.

Learn more about the tools EnterpriseDB has developed released to the open source community.

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Shannon Moodley
Linux Warehouse
(+27) 11 795 7953