
eBook: Six reasons why a VAR should add managed services

Value-added resellers must look outside the traditional VAR business model and expand their offerings to include managed services.

Six reasons why a VAR should add managed services.
Six reasons why a VAR should add managed services.

As a value-added reseller in the technology space, the impact of rapid changes in the VAR landscape may have hit home with you. Pricing is becoming increasingly competitive. In an already low-margin environment, numbers continue to shrink, putting enormous pressure on achieving a survivable, let alone impressive, bottom line.

To remain competitive and be in a position for growth, you can't wait; now is the time to look outside the traditional VAR business model, and expand your offerings to include managed services. We're not talking about one-time implementation and training, or even occasional reactive product support. Managed service providers deliver full-fledged, ongoing, proactive monitoring and management of customers' IT environments, resulting in (and here's the best part) a monthly recurring revenue stream.

So, why should you consider putting resources into moving to this business model, and what can you hope to gain? Very valid questions! Fortunately, ConnectWise has answers in these six need-to-know reasons why you should add managed services.
