
eBook: Best practices guide: Records management for the digital era

Information management frameworks and solutions for Office 365, SharePoint and hybrid environments.

The ever-changing landscape

Modern-day organisations handle records management in much the same way they did decades ago. When a record was created, records managers would classify it, file it and store it, having a high level of control over the life cycle. Many organisations continue to take the same approach with records management in the digital world as they did in the physical world, even with the advent of enterprise content management (ECM) solutions. This has a significant impact on end-users who are forced to execute unfamiliar and, at times, confusing records management tasks into new ways of working that don’t suit these old-fashioned requirements. 

As electronic information grows, records managers are still trying to maintain the same level of control and oversight, but in today’s digital environment, this model is no longer effective or realistic. It’s time to evolve with the digital world and this guide is designed to show records managers, information managers, IT administrators and organisation leaders how it can be possible to use Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint or a hybrid deployment to manage information. 

The records management landscape is changing and growing dramatically, which is both a challenge and opportunity for records managers. The global electronic document management market is poised to grow to $6 billion by 2024, spurred by the growing use of cloud and hybrid computing, BYOD initiatives and big data. (Global Market Insights, 2017)

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