
EA offers optimal returns

By Theo Boshoff
Johannesburg, 01 Jul 2009

EA offers optimal returns

With the rise of e-government initiatives, the majority of communication with constituents and related tasks, such as tax transactions, are now performed online, according to Government Technology.

While they are convenient for citizens, the infrastructure required to support online services creates a large inventory of applications and technology platforms that must be maintained and upgraded based on new needs.

An enterprise architecture (EA) approach makes organisations more aware of their current landscape, maximises the IT investments they're making and ensures an optimal return to the taxpayer.

SOA policy key to flexibility

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) policy adds important business and technical flexibility and control to an SOA-based solution, states IT World.

At runtime, SOA policy provides ready access to change key operating characteristics of a service, including business parameters like approval limits and transaction routing.

During development, SOA policy controls key aspects of how services are built and requires coordinated use of features and functions from multiple types of software tools and infrastructure products.

Kana intros customer service platform

Kana Software, a provider of customer service solutions, has released Kana 10, the industry's first service experience management platform for managing the entire customer service experience, reports TMCnet.

This new solution, which gives major corporations and institutions the control needed to help ensure their customers receive exceptional service, has been selected by online travel service provider

Developed in conjunction with IBM and Kana customers, Kana 10 is a Web services-based solution that fuses the IBM SOA portfolio with Kana's decade of experience in knowledge management and messaging.
