
E-mails need archiving

By Stephanie Ellett, ITWeb Intern
Johannesburg, 05 Jul 2007

E-mails need archiving

E-mails containing details about commitments in companies are not being managed systematically, according to enterprise content management (ECM) association AIIM Europe, reports silicon

In an AIIM survey, 43% of respondents said they had little or no confidence these e-mails were readily available in a company archive.

Doug Miles, AIIM's UK MD, says there is widespread confusion within businesses as to how to manage important e-mails. "People don't realise they are making commitments over e-mail. On an e-mail thread, various people make different comments on a topic. In the end that affects the final commitment."

SmartAds hard to use

Yahoo new advertising product Yahoo's SmartAds is difficult for advertisers to use, according to This Day Online.

SmartAds allows consumer brand companies to link their inventory databases into Yahoo's ad system and to deliver different ads to different Web users, based on consumers' interests and the advertisers' product lines.

"It takes a lot of work," says Tacoda ad network chairman, Dave Morgan. "For some areas like travel, it can be relatively straight-forward. You're travelling from one place to another place, and each airline has only so many routes. But if you think of something like Target, it's pretty hard to know exactly which kind of blender or toaster everybody wants."

SpringCM appoints marketing VP

SpringCM's board has appointed Christopher Ryan as the company's VP of marketing, according to ECM Connection.

Ryan joins SpringCM after serving as CMO for Inmon Data Systems (IDS), where he was responsible for all aspects of branding, alliances, product marketing and sales development.

Prior to IDS, Ryan was VP of marketing for both Stellent, one of the world's leading suppliers of enterprise content management software and services, and Optika, an ECM company specialising in document management, imaging and workflow.
