
e-HEALTH CD-ROM for employees and their families

By Learnscapes
Johannesburg, 09 Jun 2005

LearnScapes has launched an e-HEALTH resource to improve the health knowledge of people and their families.

"We have been very successful in delivering training on topics like HIV, AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, sexuality, tuberculosis, antiretrovirals, nutrition, malaria, cholera and hygiene to the people of organisations and schools via our intranet computer-based training solution. However, we need to get this knowledge into the homes and to families of people," said Leon van der Merwe, Managing Director of LearnScapes.

The new resource consists of a CD-ROM that employees and school children can use at home so that all the family members and friends can benefit from this health information. This is the first time that LearnScapes will make their training available on CD-ROM. Due to low CD media costs, it is now a very cost-effective method for organisations to get this valuable information to their people and families.

Considering the different levels of computer literacy, this e-HEALTH CD-ROM was designed with simplicity in mind and very limited computer knowledge is needed to access the information. Basically all you need to do is insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive and you will have a knowledge and teaching resource at your fingertips rich in animations and sound. LearnScapes will also make available a service to include custom information on this e-HEALTH CD-ROM that is specific to an organisation. A personal message from a member of the organisation or the internal health and wellness policy could therefore be included.

Here at LearnScapes we strive to provide essential knowledge to as many people as possible in an effort to improve their overall wellness and health.


Editorial contacts

Leon van der Merwe
(011) 475 4777