
Drive change with mobile

If businesses don't capitalise on mobility, they miss out on access to an integral part of consumer engagement, says Advanced Cloud Technologies.

Staff Writer
By Staff Writer, ITWeb
Johannesburg, 18 Apr 2013

As social behaviour shifts to accommodate new technologies, businesses must too. If they fail to drive collaboration and interaction through mobile technology, they risk mobile technology forcing them into unfamiliar ground.

So says Patrick Evans, Advanced Cloud Technologies MD, adding: "Things will never be the same again. Thanks to mobility, the power has shifted to the consumer and away from the enterprise."

Where before, business strategies took place over years, they can now take place over weeks. A comprehensive strategy can spark a turnaround in market trajectory, as well as customer sentiment, says Evans.

Building customer loyalty through customising their experience based on habits and tastes allows businesses to connect with consumers bi-directionally, across wide divides. "Companies communicating with these mobile communities could grow their customer bases, and build customer loyalty, on a scale unseen before," stresses Evans.

"No longer do businesses require two- to five-year business turnaround strategies. A comprehensive mobile strategy can turn businesses around in a matter of weeks or months, not years," says Evans.

Mobile consumers share experiences, purchase items, view information and connect with others, choosing to do so even when engaged in activities like watching TV.

Adds Evans: "Mobile technology has the ability to take our everyday physical experiences and create a software equivalent, with more dimensions, enhancing our lives by creating multifaceted interaction on any and all daily activities."

By encouraging and enhancing mobile interactions, consumer-to-business and business-to-business collaboration is boosted as specialists interface and collaborate internationally. Downsizing through adopting mobile solutions allows for greater value from employees at significantly lower cost to the company, he concludes.
